
We develop notebooks for analysis of Hardware Commissioning (HWC) tests and events during operation (FPA).

1. RB - Main Dipole Circuit


source: Powering Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for the 13 kA Dipole Circuits, MP3 Procedure,

Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
HWC PIC2 I_MIN_OP Interlock tests with PC connected to the leads AN_RB_PIC2 AN_RB_PIC2
HWC PLI1.b2 I_INJECTION Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RB_PLI1.b2 AN_RB_PLI1.b2
HWC PLI1.d2 I_INJECTION Unipolar Powering Failure AN_RB_PLI1.d2 AN_RB_PLI1.d2
HWC PLI2.s1 I_INTERM_1 Splice Mapping AN_RB_PLI2.s1 AN_RB_PLI2.s1
HWC PLI2.b2 I_INTERM_1 Energy Extraction from PIC during the ramp AN_RB_PLI2.b2 AN_RB_PLI2.b2
HWC PLI2.f1 I_INTERM_1 Quench heater provoked AN_RB_PLI2.f1 AN_RB_PLI2.f1
HWC PLIM.b2 I_SM_INT_4 Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RB_PLIM.b2 AN_RB_PLIM.b2
HWC PLIS.s2 I_SM Splice Mapping AN_RB_PLIS.s2 AN_RB_PLIS.s2
HWC PLI3.a5 I_INTERM_2 Current cycle to I_INTERM_2 AN_RB_PLI3.a5 AN_RB_PLI3.a5
HWC PLI3.d2 I_INTERM_2 Unipolar Powering Failure AN_RB_PLI3.d2 AN_RB_PLI3.d2
HWC PNO.b2 I_PNO+I_DELTA Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RB_PNO.b2 AN_RB_PNO.b2
HWC PNO.a6 I_PNO Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RB_PNO.a6 AN_RB_PNO.a6
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_RB_FPA AN_RB_FPA

2. RQ - Main Quadrupole Circuit


source: Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for the 13 kA Quadrupole (RQD-RQF) Circuits, MP3 Procedure,

Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
HWC PIC2 I_MIN_OP Powering Interlock Controller AN_RQ_PIC2 AN_RQ_PIC2
HWC PLI1.b3 I_INJECTION Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RQ_PLI1.b3 AN_RQ_PLI1.b3
HWC PLI1.d2 I_INJECTION Unipolar Powering Failure AN_RQ_PLI1.d2 AN_RQ_PLI1.d2
HWC PLI2.s1 I_INTERM_1 Splice Mapping AN_RQ_PLI2.s1 AN_RQ_PLI2.s1
HWC PLI2.b3 I_INTERM_1 Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RQ_PLI2.b3 AN_RQ_PLI2.b3
HWC PLI2.f1 I_INTERM_1 Heater Provoked Quench AN_RQ_PLI2.f1 AN_RQ_PLI2.f1
HWC PLIM.b3 I_SM_INT_4 Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RQ_PLIM.b3 AN_RQ_PLIM.b3
HWC PLIS.s2 I_SM Splice Mapping at I_SM AN_RQ_PLIS.s2 AN_RQ_PLIS.s2
HWC PLI3.a5 I_SM, I_INTERM_2 Current cycle to I_INTERM_2 AN_RQ_PLI3.a5 AN_RQ_PLI3.a5
HWC PLI3.b3 I_INTERM_2 Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RQ_PLI3.b3 AN_RQ_PLI3.b3
HWC PNO.b3 I_PNO+I_DELTA Energy Extraction from QPS AN_RQ_PNO.b3 AN_RQ_PNO.b3
HWC PNO.a6 I_PNO Current cycle to I_PNO AN_RQ_PNO.a6 AN_RQ_PNO.a6
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_RQ_FPA AN_RQ_FPA

3. IT - Inner Triplet Circuits

Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
HWC PCC.T4 ~ Power Converter Configuration part 2 AN_IT_PCCT4 -
HWC PIC2 ~ Powering Interlock Controller check with standby current AN_IT_PIC2 AN_IT_PIC2
HWC PNO.D12 10% of I_PNO Powering Failure at +10% of nominal current AN_IT_PNO.d12 -
HWC PNO.D13 10% of I_PNO Powering Failure at -10% of nominal current AN_IT_PNO.d13 -
HWC PLI3.F6 I_PLI3 Heater Discharge Request at 2nd intermediate current (Note that I_RTQX1=0A AN_IT_PLI3.f6 AN_IT_PLI3.f6
HWC PNO.D14 50% of I_PNO Powering Failure at +50% of nominal current during a SPA AN_IT_PNO.d14 AN_IT_PNO.d14
HWC PNO.D15 50% of I_PNO Powering Failure at -50% of nominal current AN_IT_PNO.d15 AN_IT_PNO.d15
HWC PNO.A9 I_PNO+I_DELTA Training and plateau at nominal current AN_IT_PNO.a9 AN_IT_PNO.a9
HWC PNO.D16 90% of I_PNO Powering Failure at +90% of nominal current AN_IT_PNO.d16 AN_IT_PNO.d16
HWC PNO.D17 90% of I_PNO Powering Failure at -90% of nominal current AN_IT_PNO.d17 AN_IT_PNO.d17
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_IT_FPA AN_IT_FPA

source: Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for the Inner Triplet Circuits in the LHC, MP3 Procedure,

4. IPQ (Individually Powered Quadrupoles)

  • 2MQM
    Apertures B1 of 2 magnets are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 2 magnets are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
  • 2x2MQM
    Apertures B1 of 4 magnets are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 4 magnets are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
  • 2MQML – long version
    Apertures B1 of 2 magnets are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 2 magnets are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
  • 2MQM + 2MQML
    Apertures B1 of 2 MQM and 2 MQML are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 2 MQM and 2 MQML are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
  • 2MQM+2MQMC
    Apertures B1 of 2 MQM and 2 MQMC are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 2 MQM and 2 MQMC are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
  • 2MQY*
    Apertures B1 of 2 magnets are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 2 magnets are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
    Note: * in accordance with layout database 2 MQY means apertures B1 and B2 of the one magnet MQY. type.
  • 2x2MQY
    Apertures B1 of 4 magnets are powered in series with one power supply.
    Apertures B2 of 4 magnets are powered in series with second power supply.
    The return bus is common for both power circuits.
Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
HWC PCC.3 I_PCC Power Converter Configuration - -
HWC PIC2 I_MIN_OP Powering Interlock Controller check with standby current in the circuits. AN_IPQ_PIC2 AN_IPQ_PIC2
HWC PLI1.c3 I_INJECTION Fast Power Abort at injection current. AN_IPQ_PLI1.c3 AN_IPQ_PLI1.c3
HWC PLI2.f3 I_INTERM_1 Unbalanced ramp and Quench Heater Firing AN_IPQ_PLI2.f3 AN_IPQ_PLI2.f3
HWC PLI2.e3 I_INTERM_1 Unbalanced slow power abort AN_IPQ_PLI2.e3 AN_IPQ_PLI2.e3
HWC PNO.f4 I_PNO Symmetric Ramp and Symmetric Quench Heater Firing    
HWC PNO.a7 I_PNO+I_DELTA Powering to I_PNO + I_DELTA and unbalanced SPA AN_IPQ_PNO.a7 AN_IPQ_PNO.a7
HWC PNO.c4 I_PNO Current Lead test and FPA from I_PNO AN_IPQ_PNO.c4 AN_IPQ_PNO.c4
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_IPQ_FPA AN_IPQ_FPA

5. IPD (Individually Powered Dipoles) - Beam Separation Dipoles D1-D4

  • MBX – D1
    Single aperture of the magnet powered with one power supply.
  • MBRC – D2 - MBRB – D4
    Apertures B1 and B2 of the magnet are powered in series with one power supply.
  • MBRS - D3
    Apertures B1 and B2 of the magnet are powered in series with one power supply but series connection done in the DFBA.
Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
HWC PCC.3 I_PCC Power Converter Configuration 1Q: Calibration of the PC - -
HWC PIC2 I_MIN_OP Powering Interlock Controller check with standby current in the circuits. AN_IPD_PIC2 AN_IPD_PIC2
HWC PLI1.f2 I_INJECTION Fast Power Abort at injection current. AN_IPD_PLI1.c2 AN_IPD_PLI1.c2
HWC PLI2.f2 I_INTERM_1 Heater Provoked Quench AN_IPD_PLI2.f2 AN_IPD_PLI2.f2
HWC PLI3.c5 I_INTERM_3 Measurement of splice resistance and Fast Power Abort at intermediate current AN_IPD_PLI3.c5 AN_IPD_PLI3.c5
HWC PNO.c6 I_PNO Fast Power Abort at Nominal Current and Lead Test AN_IPD_PNO.c6 AN_IPD_PNO.c6
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_IPD_FPA AN_IPD_FPA

source: Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for the Separation Dipoles Circuits, MP3 Procedure,

5. 600 A Circuits

The 600-A circuits come in one of two main variants:

  • circuits with EE
  • circuits without EE

source: Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for the 600 A Circuits, MP3 Procedure,

Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_600A_with_without_EE_FPA AN_600A_with_without_EE_FPA
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_600A_RCDO_FPA AN_600A_RCDO_FPA
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_600A_RCBXHV_FPA AN_600A_RCBXHV_FPA

6. 80-120 A Circuits

Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_60A_FPA AN_60A_FPA

7. 60 A Circuits

Type Test Current Description Notebook Example report
Operation FPA I_PNO FPA during operation with magnets quenching AN_80-120A_FPA AN_80-120A_FPA