Beam Loss Monitor Query with pyeDSL

Submitted by mmacieje on
BLM with pyeDSL


The goal of this blog entry is to demontrate the use of the pyeDSL to conventiently query BLM-related data from Post Mortem (PM) and NXCALS databases. In particular, we will show how to query for a given period of time around an interesting event in the LHC:

  • LHC context information from PM
  • BLM signals from PM for plotting and extraction of statistical features (min, max, etc.)
  • BLM signals from NXCALS for extraction of statistical features (min, max, etc.)

The PM queries presented below are partially based on previous work of:

We found useful a presentation on BLM logging:


0. Import Necessary Packages

  • Time is a class for time manipulation and conversion
  • Timer is a class for measuring time of code execution
  • QueryBuilder is a pyeDSL class for a construction of database queries
  • PmDbRequest is a low-level class for executing PM queries
  • MappingMetadata is a class for retrieving BLM table names for NXCALS query
  • BlmAnalysis class provides some helper functions for BLM Analysis
In [2]:
import pandas as pd
from lhcsmapi.Time import Time
from lhcsmapi.Timer import Timer
from lhcsmapi.pyedsl.QueryBuilder import QueryBuilder
from lhcsmapi.pyedsl.FeatureBuilder import FeatureBuilder
from lhcsmapi.dbsignal.post_mortem.PmDbRequest import PmDbRequest
from lhcsmapi.metadata.MappingMetadata import MappingMetadata
import lhcsmapi.analysis.BlmAnalysis as BlmAnalysis

0.1. LHCSMAPI version

In [3]:
import lhcsmapi

1. User Input

We choose as a start date a beam dump in the LHC. In this case, PM stores a data event with information about LHC context and BLM signals. In order to find PM events, we look one second before and two seconds after the selected beam dump.

NXCALS database performs a continuous logging of BLM signals (with various running sums). Thus, NXCALS can be queried any time.

In [4]:
start_time_date = '2015-11-23 07:28:53+01:00'
t_start, t_end = Time.get_query_period_in_unix_time(start_time_date=start_time_date, duration_date=[(1, 's'), (2, 's')])

2. LHC Context

In this part we query LHC context information in order to support BLM analysis. To this end, we employ context_query provided by pyeDSL.

  • The context_query() works only in a general-purpose query mode with metadata provided by with_query_parameters() method. Considering the general-purpose mode, the user has to provide system, className, and source.

For the source field one can use a wildcard ('*'). However, the query takes more time as compared to a one where the BLM source is specified. The list of available BLM source can be queried from PM as showed in the following.

In [5]:
with Timer():
    QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
        .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
        .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='*') \
Elapsed: 21.443 s.
In [6]:
with Timer():
    QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
        .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
        .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='HC.BLM.SR6.C') \
Elapsed: 1.403 s.

Therefore, for the remaining context queries we always provide the source.

In [7]:
QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='LHC', className='CISX', source='CISX.CCR.LHC.A') \
    .context_query(contexts=["OVERALL_ENERGY", "OVERALL_INTENSITY_1", "OVERALL_INTENSITY_2"]).df
1448260133517488525 20915 16537 17110
In [8]:
QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='LHC', className='CISX', source='CISX.CCR.LHC.GA') \
1448260133517488525 11
In [9]:
QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(5, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='LBDS', className='BSRA', source='LHC.BSRA.US45.B1') \
    .context_query(contexts=['aGXpocTotalIntensity', 'aGXpocTotalMaxIntensity']).df
  aGXpocTotalIntensity aGXpocTotalMaxIntensity
1448260134624467000 2.457193e+10 8.560893e+08
In [10]:
QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(5, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='LBDS', className='BSRA', source='LHC.BSRA.US45.B2') \
    .context_query(contexts=['aGXpocTotalIntensity', 'aGXpocTotalMaxIntensity']).df
  aGXpocTotalIntensity aGXpocTotalMaxIntensity
1448260134624467000 4.608540e+09 1.917766e+08

We also developed a method for getting the LHC context shown above with a single method.

In [11]:
lhc_context_df = BlmAnalysis.get_lhc_context(start_time_date)
  OVERALL_ENERGY OVERALL_INTENSITY_1 OVERALL_INTENSITY_2 BEAM_MODE timestamp_blm aGXpocTotalIntensityB1 aGXpocTotalMaxIntensityB1 aGXpocTotalIntensityB2 aGXpocTotalMaxIntensityB2 timestamp_abort_gap
4647 25098.0 16537 17110 STABLE 1448260133517488525 2.457193e+10 8.560893e+08 4.608540e+09 1.917766e+08 1448260134624467000

3. Query Single BLM

Once the LHC context is obtained, we move on to the query of BML signals with PM and NXCALS.

3.1. Post Mortem

The first step is to find the list of PM event sources. To this end, we employ the pyeDSL.

In [12]:
source_timestamp_df = QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=start_time_date, duration=[(1, 's'), (2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='*') \

  source timestamp
0 HC.BLM.SR2.I 1448260133517488525
1 HC.BLM.SR8.I 1448260133517488525
2 HC.BLM.SX4.C 1448260133517488525
3 HC.BLMCMS.BCM2 1448260133517488275
4 HC.BLM.SR7.E 1448260133517488525
5 HC.BLM.SR3.C 1448260133517488525
6 HC.BLM.SR1.C 1448260133517488525
7 HC.BLM.SR5.C 1448260133517488525
8 HC.BLM.SR8.C 1448260133517488525
9 HC.BLM.SR2.C 1448260133517488525
10 HC.BLM.SR6.L 1448260133517488525
11 HC.BLM.SR6.R 1448260133517488525
12 HC.BLM.SX4.L 1448260133517488525
13 HC.BLM.SR5.L 1448260133517488525
14 HC.BLM.SX4.R 1448260133517488525
15 HC.BLM.SR7.L 1448260133517488525
16 HC.BLM.SR1.L 1448260133517488525
17 HC.BLM.SR3.L 1448260133517488525
18 HC.BLM.SR2.L 1448260133517488525
19 HC.BLM.SR8.L 1448260133517488525
20 HC.BLM.SR1.R 1448260133517488525
21 HC.BLM.SR2.R 1448260133517488525
22 HC.BLM.SR3.R 1448260133517488525
23 HC.BLM.SR7.R 1448260133517488525
24 HC.BLM.SR8.R 1448260133517488525
25 HC.BLM.SR5.R 1448260133517488525
26 HC.BLM.SR6.C 1448260133517488525
27 HC.BLM.SR7.C 1448260133517488525

3.1.1. List of Beam Loss Monitors

Then, we choose one BLM cluster (HC.BLM.SR6.C) and check the names of actual BLMs it contains. For the sake of completeness, the timestamp (although the same) is also provided.

In [13]:
blm_names_df = QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='HC.BLM.SR6.C') \
  blmNames timestamp
0 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.A4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
1 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.A4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
2 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDB.C4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
3 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDB.C4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
4 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDB.B4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
5 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDB.B4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
6 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDB.A4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
7 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD01.CH08 1448260133517488525
8 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.A4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
9 BLMES.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.A4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
10 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDB.C4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
11 BLMES.04L6.B2I10_MSDB.C4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
12 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDB.B4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
13 BLMES.04L6.B2I10_MSDB.B4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
14 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDB.A4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
15 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD01.CH16 1448260133517488525
16 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.E4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
17 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.E4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
18 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.D4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
19 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.D4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
20 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.C4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
21 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.C4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
22 BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.B4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
23 BLMEI.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.B4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
24 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.E4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
25 BLMES.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.E4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
26 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.D4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
27 BLMES.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.D4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
28 BLMES.04L6.B1E10_MSDA.C4L6.B1 1448260133517488525
29 BLMES.04L6.B2I10_MSDC.C4L6.B2 1448260133517488525
... ... ...
226 BLMDI.4210.B1T10_212_102 1448260133517488525
227 BLMDI.4211.B1B10_212_102 1448260133517488525
228 BLMDI.4487.B1L10_252_109 1448260133517488525
229 BLMDI.4488.B1R10_252_109 1448260133517488525
230 BLMDI.4790.B1T10_269_162 1448260133517488525
231 BLMDI.4791.B1B10_269_164 1448260133517488525
232 BLMDI.5860.B1T10_377_203 1448260133517488525
233 BLMDI.5861.B1B10_377_203 1448260133517488525
234 BLMDI.6850.B1T10_497_254 1448260133517488525
235 BLMDI.6851.B1B10_497_254 1448260133517488525
236 BLMDI.8010.B1L10_617_306 1448260133517488525
237 BLMDI.8011.B1R10_617_306 1448260133517488525
238 BLMDI.9590.B1T10_750_306 1448260133517488525
239 BLMDI.9591.B1B10_750_306 1448260133517488525
240 BLMDS.9697.B1C10_0.668_DUMP 1448260133517488525
241 BLMDS.9723.B1C20_3.119_DUMP 1448260133517488525
242 BLMDS.9742.B1C21_5.105_DUMP 1448260133517488525
243 BLMDS.9760.B1C22_6.901_DUMP 1448260133517488525
244 BLMDS.9775.B1L30_8.501_DUMP 1448260133517488525
245 BLMDS.9775.B1C31_8.501_DUMP 1448260133517488525
246 BLMDS.9775.B1R32_8.501_DUMP 1448260133517488525
247 BLMDI.9822.B1C10_13.200_DUMP 1448260133517488525
248 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH09 1448260133517488525
249 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH10 1448260133517488525
250 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH11 1448260133517488525
251 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH12 1448260133517488525
252 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH13 1448260133517488525
253 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH14 1448260133517488525
254 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH15 1448260133517488525
255 BLMM.HC.BLM.SR6.C.CD16.CH16 1448260133517488525

256 rows × 2 columns


The list of available variables for a PM event is accessed through a low-level lhcsmapi call.

In [14]:
response_blm = PmDbRequest.get_response("pmdata", False, True, pm_rest_api_path="http://pm-api-pro/v2/", 
                                        system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='HC.BLM.SR6.C',
                                        fromTimestampInNanos=t_start, durationInNanos=int(2e9))
for entry in response_blm['content'][0]['namesAndValues']:

We will query several variables with pyeDSL. Note that pyeDSL does not support yet vectorial definition of signal names for this type of queries.

In [15]:
blm_log_history_df = QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='HC.BLM.SR6.C', signal='pmLogHistory1310ms') \
    .signal_query() \
    .overwrite_sampling_time(t_sampling=4e-05, t_end=1) \

blm_thresholds_df = QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='HC.BLM.SR6.C', signal='pmLogHistory1310msThresholds') \
    .signal_query() \
    .overwrite_sampling_time(t_sampling=4e-05, t_end=1) \

blm_turn_loss_df = QueryBuilder().with_pm() \
    .with_duration(t_start=t_start, duration=[(2, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(system='BLM', className='BLMLHC', source='HC.BLM.SR6.C', signal='pmTurnLoss') \
    .signal_query() \
    .overwrite_sampling_time(t_sampling=4e-05, t_end=1) \
  • Plot a single BLM
In [25]:
df = blm_turn_loss_df[[0, 'blmNames']]
df = df[df.index > 1]
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fb5ee9fa7b8>


In the next step we query NXCALS for BLM running sum 1.

  • Signal Query of Loss Running Sum 1
In [17]:
loss_rs01_df = QueryBuilder().with_nxcals(spark) \
    .with_duration(t_start=start_time_date, duration=[(100, 's'), (200, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(nxcals_system='CMW', signal='%s:LOSS_RS01'[0, 'blmNames']) \
    .signal_query() \
    .convert_index_to_sec() \
    .synchronize_time() \

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fb5eea90c18>

4. Feature Query All BLMs for a Single Crate

Due to the large number of BLMs, the query and plotting of them is impractical in this environment. In fact there are dedicated applications for this purpose. In the following, we will demonstrate the feature engineering (mean, std, min, max value) for the BLM signals stored in PM and NXCALS.

In [18]:
features = ['mean', 'std', 'max', 'min']

4.1. Post Mortem

PM does not support calculation of features on the database (which is profitable from the communication and computation time perspective). Therefore, we need to query the raw signals and afterwards perform feature engineering.

  • pmLogHistory1310msThresholds
In [19]:
blm_thresholds_features_row_df = FeatureBuilder().with_multicolumn_signal(blm_thresholds_df) \
    .calculate_features(features=features, prefix='threshold') \
    .convert_into_row(index=lhc_context_df.index) \
  • pmTurnLoss
In [20]:
blm_turn_loss_features_row_df = FeatureBuilder().with_multicolumn_signal(blm_turn_loss_df) \
    .calculate_features(features=features, prefix='turn_loss') \
    .convert_into_row(index=lhc_context_df.index) \


NXCALS ecosystem brings the cluster computing capabilities to the logging databases. It allows developing analysis code witht the Spark API. The pyeDSL encapsulates Spark API and provides a coherent feature engineering query. In other words, features are calculated on the cluster where the data is stored unlike the PM for which the calculation is performed locally. The table of BLM signal names was prepared by Christoph Wiesener.

  • Get signal names from MappingMetadata
In [21]:
blm_nxcals_df = MappingMetadata.get_blm_table()
blm_nxcals_df['LOSS_RS01'] = blm_nxcals_df['Variable Name'].apply(lambda x: '%s:LOSS_RS01' % x)
blm_nxcals_df['LOSS_RS09'] = blm_nxcals_df['Variable Name'].apply(lambda x: '%s:LOSS_RS09' % x)
  Subscription Id Device Name PPM Cycle Bound Class Name Accelerator Property Name Selector Enabled Timestamp Type ... UF: Fixed rate UF: Rounding type UF: Rounding compare Responsible Status Time Last Check Time Status Error Message LOSS_RS01 LOSS_RS09
0 143020 BLMMI.31L2.B2I14_V False False BLM_MONITOR_V LHC Acquisition NaN True ACQUISITION ... NaN NaN NaN Kamil Henryk Krol 2019-03-01T08:43:40.662+0000 2020-04-14T09:46:57.011+0000 VALIDATION_IN_ERROR Failed to connect to server 'LHC_CONCENTRATION... BLMMI.31L2.B2I14:LOSS_RS01 BLMMI.31L2.B2I14:LOSS_RS09
1 143002 BLMDI.9822.B2L10_13.200_DUMP_V False False BLM_MONITOR_V LHC Acquisition NaN True ACQUISITION ... NaN NaN NaN Kamil Henryk Krol 2019-10-23T04:30:47.616+0000 2020-04-14T09:46:56.964+0000 VALIDATION_IN_ERROR Failed to connect to server 'LHC_CONCENTRATION... BLMDI.9822.B2L10_13.200_DUMP:LOSS_RS01 BLMDI.9822.B2L10_13.200_DUMP:LOSS_RS09
2 142984 BLMDI.9724.B1R10_2.450_DUMP_V False False BLM_MONITOR_V LHC Acquisition NaN True ACQUISITION ... NaN NaN NaN Kamil Henryk Krol 2019-10-23T04:30:47.758+0000 2020-04-14T09:46:56.771+0000 VALIDATION_IN_ERROR Failed to connect to server 'LHC_CONCENTRATION... BLMDI.9724.B1R10_2.450_DUMP:LOSS_RS01 BLMDI.9724.B1R10_2.450_DUMP:LOSS_RS09
3 143024 BLMTI.05L1.B2E10_TCLVW.5L1.B2_V False False BLM_MONITOR_V LHC Acquisition NaN True ACQUISITION ... NaN NaN NaN Kamil Henryk Krol 2019-03-29T14:16:44.600+0000 2020-04-14T09:46:57.020+0000 VALIDATION_IN_ERROR Failed to connect to server 'LHC_CONCENTRATION... BLMTI.05L1.B2E10_TCLVW.5L1.B2:LOSS_RS01 BLMTI.05L1.B2E10_TCLVW.5L1.B2:LOSS_RS09
4 143022 BLMMI.31L2.B2I15_V False False BLM_MONITOR_V LHC Acquisition NaN True ACQUISITION ... NaN NaN NaN Kamil Henryk Krol 2019-03-01T08:43:40.657+0000 2020-04-14T09:46:57.022+0000 VALIDATION_IN_ERROR Failed to connect to server 'LHC_CONCENTRATION... BLMMI.31L2.B2I15:LOSS_RS01 BLMMI.31L2.B2I15:LOSS_RS09

5 rows × 25 columns

  • Run a feature query with pyeDSL: Running Sum 1
In [22]:
loss_rs01_features_row_df = QueryBuilder().with_nxcals(spark) \
    .with_duration(t_start=start_time_date, duration=[(100, 's'), (200, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(nxcals_system='CMW', signal=list(blm_nxcals_df['LOSS_RS01'])) \
    .feature_query(features=features) \
    .convert_into_row(lhc_context_df.index) \

  BLMTI.04L6.B2I10_TCSP.A4L6.B2:LOSS_RS01_std BLMTI.04L6.B2I10_TCSP.A4L6.B2:LOSS_RS01_max BLMTI.04L6.B2I10_TCSP.A4L6.B2:LOSS_RS01_min BLMTI.04L6.B2I10_TCSP.A4L6.B2:LOSS_RS01_mean BLMQI.07R4.B2E20_MQM:LOSS_RS01_std BLMQI.07R4.B2E20_MQM:LOSS_RS01_max BLMQI.07R4.B2E20_MQM:LOSS_RS01_min BLMQI.07R4.B2E20_MQM:LOSS_RS01_mean BLMBI.31R6.B0T10_MBB-MBA_30R6:LOSS_RS01_std BLMBI.31R6.B0T10_MBB-MBA_30R6:LOSS_RS01_max ... BLMQI.30R3.B2E10_MQ:LOSS_RS01_min BLMQI.30R3.B2E10_MQ:LOSS_RS01_mean BLMQI.23L6.B2I30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_std BLMQI.23L6.B2I30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_max BLMQI.23L6.B2I30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_min BLMQI.23L6.B2I30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_mean BLMQI.28L4.B2E30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_std BLMQI.28L4.B2E30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_max BLMQI.28L4.B2E30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_min BLMQI.28L4.B2E30_MQ:LOSS_RS01_mean
4647 6.278608 16.611908 0.0 2.373363 0.0 0.000091 0.000091 0.000091 0.000081 0.000272 ... 0.000091 0.000091 0.0 0.000091 0.000091 0.000091 0.0 0.000091 0.000091 0.000091

1 rows × 15628 columns

  • Run a feature query with pyeDSL: Running Sum 9
In [23]:
loss_rs09_features_row_df = QueryBuilder().with_nxcals(spark) \
    .with_duration(t_start=start_time_date, duration=[(100, 's'), (200, 's')]) \
    .with_query_parameters(nxcals_system='CMW', signal=list(blm_nxcals_df['LOSS_RS09'])) \
    .feature_query(features=features) \
    .convert_into_row(lhc_context_df.index) \

  BLMEL.06R8.B2E30_MSIA:LOSS_RS09_std BLMEL.06R8.B2E30_MSIA:LOSS_RS09_max BLMEL.06R8.B2E30_MSIA:LOSS_RS09_min BLMEL.06R8.B2E30_MSIA:LOSS_RS09_mean BLMTI.04R3.B1I10_TCSG.4R3.B1:LOSS_RS09_std BLMTI.04R3.B1I10_TCSG.4R3.B1:LOSS_RS09_max BLMTI.04R3.B1I10_TCSG.4R3.B1:LOSS_RS09_min BLMTI.04R3.B1I10_TCSG.4R3.B1:LOSS_RS09_mean BLMBI.23L8.B0T10_MBA-MBB_22L8:LOSS_RS09_std BLMBI.23L8.B0T10_MBA-MBB_22L8:LOSS_RS09_max ... BLMQI.19R8.B1I10_MQ:LOSS_RS09_min BLMQI.19R8.B1I10_MQ:LOSS_RS09_mean BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_std BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_max BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_min BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_mean BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_std BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_max BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_min BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_mean
4647 0.000002 0.00002 0.000011 0.000016 0.000016 0.000114 4.502000e-07 0.000069 1.453712e-08 2.292000e-07 ... 1.657000e-07 1.828400e-07 0.000484 0.02625 0.02509 0.025558 0.001239 0.02258 0.01969 0.02131

1 rows × 15628 columns


5. Final Row

Eventually, we put together all rows into a single one that can be stored in the persistent storage. The code of this notebook can be extracted into a job collecting historical data representing BLM signals during the operation of the LHC.

In [24]:
pd.concat([lhc_context_df, blm_thresholds_features_row_df, blm_turn_loss_features_row_df, loss_rs01_features_row_df, loss_rs09_features_row_df], axis=1)
  OVERALL_ENERGY OVERALL_INTENSITY_1 OVERALL_INTENSITY_2 BEAM_MODE timestamp_blm aGXpocTotalIntensityB1 aGXpocTotalMaxIntensityB1 aGXpocTotalIntensityB2 aGXpocTotalMaxIntensityB2 timestamp_abort_gap ... BLMQI.19R8.B1I10_MQ:LOSS_RS09_min BLMQI.19R8.B1I10_MQ:LOSS_RS09_mean BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_std BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_max BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_min BLMES.04R6.B2I10_MSDB.A4R6.B2:LOSS_RS09_mean BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_std BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_max BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_min BLMTS.04R1.B1E10_TANAR.4R1:LOSS_RS09_mean
4647 25098.0 16537 17110 STABLE 1448260133517488525 2.457193e+10 8.560893e+08 4.608540e+09 1.917766e+08 1448260134624467000 ... 1.657000e-07 1.828400e-07 0.000484 0.02625 0.02509 0.025558 0.001239 0.02258 0.01969 0.02131

1 rows × 33314 columns