LHC Main Dipole (RB) Circuit - PSpice Netlist Generation with STEAM-SING and Signal Monitoring

Submitted by mmacieje on

In this blog entry, we demonstrate an integration of STEAM and Signal Monitoring project. The need for such a notebook comes from the operational experience - network models are often times used for the analysis of events occuring in the superconducting circuits. Thus, an automatic workflow creating a model based on the logged signals will facilitate this type of analysis. As a result more time can be devoted for the actual modelling and analysis of an event.

This integration is quite natural as the scope of both project includes modelling of superconducting accelerator circuits.

  • The STEAM project aims at developing network models in PSpice to simulate transient effects occuring in superconducting accelerator circuits. An important steps of the model development are its verification and validation. The model verification aims at verifying whether the selected equations representing the physical phenomena are solved right. This requires checking the model convergence and study of obtained results (e.g., by comparing to analytical solutions). The validation step, however, aims at checking whether the right equations are solved. That involves comparison of verified network models to available measurements. To this end, the signals stored in the logging databases (PM and NXCALS) are used. Lately, the lhcsmapi package from the Signal Monitoring Project has been used to gather signals needed for model validation (IPQ, 600A, etc.).
  • The Signal Monitoring project, as the name indicates, is aimed at creating signal monitoring applications to overlook key systems during operation. Lately, the scope of the project has been extended to account for signal analysis during HWC campaigns. To this end we develop circuit-oriented notebooks for (semi)-automatic analysis of HWC tests as well as events during operation. One of the most detailed analysis notebooks concerns analysis of a Fast Power Abort (FPA) in a circuit (to date for RB and RQ). The notebook performs an in-depth analysis of relevant signals in the circuit. At the end of an analysis, it creates an html report, a table with MP3-compatible results, and a full table of results containing all calculated signal features.

Two graphics below present the links between both projects.

STEAMSignal Monitoring

In the following we present an even tighter integration of both projects. The notebook will reproduce an FPA event with quenching magnets in the main dipole circuit (RB.A12). We will create a ready-to-use network model incorporating information gathered from logging databases:

  • The power converter current in the network model is set as the measured current in the power converter following an FPA;
  • The timing of the energy extraction switches is equal to ones that occured in the circuit;
  • The timing of quenching magnets follows the quenches in the circuit;

The information about an event will be retrieved from a csv table generated by a Signal Monitoring notebook: AN_RB_FPA.


0. Prepare Working EnvironmentΒΆ

0.1. Import Java gateway, STEAM API (SING, UTILS), and Signal Monitoring API (LHCSMAPI)ΒΆ

In [58]:
# Signal Monitoring Packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from lhcsmapi.pyedsl.QueryBuilder import QueryBuilder
from lhcsmapi.analysis.RbCircuitQuery import RbCircuitQuery
from lhcsmapi.analysis.RbCircuitAnalysis import RbCircuitAnalysis
from lhcsmapi.metadata.MappingMetadata import MappingMetadata

# CERN packages
import pytimber
ldb = pytimber.LoggingDB()

# STEAM Packages
from py4j.java_gateway import launch_gateway, java_import, JavaGateway, JavaObject, GatewayParameters, Py4JNetworkError

# Launch a Gateway in a new Java process, this returns port
port = launch_gateway(classpath = '../../steam/*')
# JavaGateway instance is connected to a Gateway instance on the Java side
gateway = JavaGateway(gateway_parameters = GatewayParameters(port=port))
# Get STEAM API Java classes
MutualInductance = gateway.jvm.component.MutualInductance
Netlist = gateway.jvm.netlist.Netlist
CommentElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.elements.CommentElement
GeneralElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.elements.GeneralElement
ACSolverElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.solvers.ACSolverElement
StimulusElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.imports.StimulusElement
ParameterizedElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.elements.ParameterizedElement
OutputGeneralElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.elements.OutputGeneralElement
OptionSolverSettingsElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.solvers.OptionSolverSettingsElement
TransientSolverElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.solvers.TransientSolverElement
AutoconvergeSolverSettingsElement = gateway.jvm.netlist.solvers.AutoconvergeSolverSettingsElement
CircuitalPreconditionerSubcircuit = gateway.jvm.preconditioner.CircuitalPreconditionerSubcircuit
TextFile = gateway.jvm.utils.TextFile
CSVReader = gateway.jvm.utils.CSVReader

0.2. Import ligthweight STEAM API in pythonΒΆ

In [3]:
import sys
import os
from pathlib import Path

curr_dir = Path(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0])
utilities_dir = str(curr_dir.parent / 'steam')

if utilities_dir not in sys.path:
import workbook as w
import arrays as a

0.3. Helper function to generate a trapezoidal ramp-up/down profileΒΆ

In [4]:
def create_trapezoidal_stimulus(t_fpa, t_delay, t_delay_sw, dv, dt, v0, v_end, t_end, signal):
    t_transition = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=11)*dt*10
    v_transition = v0 + t_transition*dv/dt
    t_fpa_0 = t_fpa if t_delay > 0 else t_fpa+t_delay-1
    t = np.append([0, t_fpa_0], t_fpa+t_delay+t_delay_sw+t_transition)
    t = np.append(t, [t_end])

    v = np.append([v0, v0], v_transition)
    v = np.append(v, [v_end])
    return pd.DataFrame(index=t, data=v, columns=[signal])

1. Retrieve an FPA Event Analyzed with Signal MonitoringΒΆ

In the following cell we read a csv table containing analysis results of an FPA. The table contains relevant timestamps to be used further in the model generation process:

  • timestamp_fgc;
  • timestamp_ee_odd;
  • timestamp_ee_even;
  • timestamp_iqps.

In addition, it contains name of a quenching magnets, which will be also simulated with a quench by an arbitrary growth of resistance.

In [5]:
circuit_type = 'RB'
circuit_name = 'RB.A12'
results_table = pd.read_csv('/eos/project/l/lhcsm/operation/%s/%s/2018.12.12_172134.840000-2020.05.04_180103.431645-PM_RB_FPA_results_table.csv' % (circuit_type, circuit_name), index_col=0)
  circuit magnet magnet_id timestamp_pic timestamp_fgc timestamp_ee_odd timestamp_ee_even timestamp_leads_odd timestamp_leads_even timestamp_iqps ... RB_PC_I_EARTH_PCNT RB_EE_U_DUMP_RES_tau_res RB_EE_U_DUMP_RES_delay RB_EE_ODD_EE_T_RES_BODY RB_EE_EVEN_EE_T_RES_BODY DIODE_RB_U_DIODE_RB VF_U_EARTH_RB LEADS_U_HTS LEADS_U_RES Unnamed: 39
0 RB.A12 A31R1 1342 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631694792000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
1 RB.A12 C31R1 1331 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631695256000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
2 RB.A12 B9R1 2319 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631695370000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
3 RB.A12 B31R1 2314 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631727546000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
4 RB.A12 A9R1 2330 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631741521000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
5 RB.A12 C30R1 2868 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631744629000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
6 RB.A12 B30R1 2426 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544631804111000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
7 RB.A12 A10R1 1296 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544632025612000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference
8 RB.A12 A8R1 3288 1544631694800000000 1544631694840000000 1544631694896000000 1544631695395000000 1544631695407000000 1544631696004000000 1544632025711000000 ... Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Within reference Within reference Within reference Within reference Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Automatic analysis, no expert feedback. Outside of reference Within reference Within reference

9 rows Γ— 39 columns


2. Create Circuit ModelΒΆ

Now, it is the moment to create a model of the circuit. This process is composed of several steps:

  1. Gather input paths for:
    • library elements (a model relies on a library of components available at the GitLab repository: http://gitlab.cern.ch/steam/steam-pspice-library it is assumed that locally the library is the same as indicated below; should you have different location of the library.
    • table of resistance values used to model eddy currents in magnets.
    • table with connection of the grounding network, i.e., how the magnets are connected to the grounding network.
    • table with a list of voltage feelers, i.e., dedicated voltage to ground measurements for each nQPS cell.
  2. Create library elements for quenching magnets
  3. Create netlist template
  4. Generate circuit topology
  5. Add solver settings
  6. Print the library subcircuit netlist
  7. Write netlist to a file
  8. Generate stimulus

2.1. Input pathsΒΆ

In [6]:
netlistPath = "netlist.cir";
libraryPath = "C:\\gitlab\\steam-pspice-library\\RB\\Items\\";
stimulusPath = "Stimulus.stl";

r1r2CSVInputPath = "RB_R1R2_Sector34_Table.csv";
gndCSVInputPath = "RB_Gnd_Table.csv";
voltFeelersCSVInputPath = "RB_VoltageFeelers_Table.csv";

2.2. Create library elements for quenched magnetsΒΆ

In order to incorporate quenching magnets in the network model a dedicated library element has to be created to replace the default element representing an MB magnet. Each library element for the quenching magnet has to be unique due to the fact that the time of a quench is different. The difference in the time of a quench is represented by growth of resistance occuring at different time instants. That is achieved by providing a unique stimulus for each magnet, which in turn is linked to a corresponding magnet library element. In other words, following a template we need to create as many magnet library elements as many magnets quenched; each library element containing a unique stimulus to be generated at the end of this notebooks.

  • Read template from a text file
In [7]:
library_template_file = open("lib/MB_quench_template.txt","r")
library_template_str = library_template_file.read()
  • use the template to generate models of quenching magnets

We also generate a list of electrical positions of the magnets used in the following to replace the default magnet model with a "quenching" one.

In [12]:
el_index_lst = []
for index, row in results_table.iterrows():
    el_index_lst.append(MappingMetadata.get_electrical_position(circuit_type, 'MB.'+row['magnet']))

library_file = open("lib/RB_MB_Quench.lib", "w") 
for index, el in enumerate(el_index_lst):
    library_file.write(library_template_str.replace('{}', str(index+1)))

2.3. Create netlist templateΒΆ

The cell below prepares a template for the network model indicating paths of the library elements (the general ones from the GitLab repository and custom created for this specific case) and stimulus (to be generated in the remainder of this notebook).

In [18]:
N_MAGS = 154

netlist = Netlist(netlistPath)

# Set paths to libraries
libraryPaths = ["\"" + libraryPath + "RB_Diodes.lib\"",
                "\"" + libraryPath + "RB_Thyristors.lib\"",
                "\"" + libraryPath + "RB_Switches.lib\"",
                "\"" + libraryPath + "RB_PC.lib\"",
                "\"" + libraryPath + "RB_MB.lib\"",
                "\"" + libraryPath + "RB_EE.lib\"",

netlist.setLibraryPaths(a.convert_list_to_string_array(gateway, libraryPaths))

# Set path to a stimulus file

2.4. Netlist Representing Circuit TopologyΒΆ

In the following cells we will create the netlist representing circuit topology.

2.4.1. Power converter, current leads, energy extractionΒΆ

In [19]:
# Two PCs in parallel
netlist.add(CommentElement("* Two PCs in parallel"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("x1_PC", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("1", "2")), "RB_PC_Full"))

netlist.add(GeneralElement("v1_filterPH", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("2", "3")), "0"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v2_filterPH", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("21", "1")), "0"))

# HTS lead 1 HOT-COLD
netlist.add(CommentElement("* HTS lead 1 HOT-COLD"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("r1_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("3", "4")), "378.5u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v1_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("4", "5")), "50m"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("l1_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("5", "6")), "10u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v1_fake", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("6", "MAG1")), "0"))

# HTS lead 2 COLD-HOT
netlist.add(CommentElement("* HTS lead 2 COLD-HOT"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v2_fake", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("MAG77_Out", "7")), "0"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("r2_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("7", "8")), "69.5u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v2_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("8", "9")), "50m"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("l2_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("9", "10")), "10u"))

# Energy Extractor 1
netlist.add(CommentElement("* Energy Extractor 1"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("x1_RB_EE1", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("10", "11")), "RB_EE1_1poleEq"))

# HTS lead 3 HOT-COLD
netlist.add(CommentElement("* HTS lead 3 HOT-COLD"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("r3_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("11", "12")), "69.5u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v3_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("12", "13")), "50m"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("l3_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("13", "14")), "10u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v3_fake", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("14", "MAG78")), "0"))

# HTS lead 4 COLD-HOT
netlist.add(CommentElement("* HTS lead 4 COLD-HOT"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v4_fake", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("MAG154_Out", "15")), "0"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("r4_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("15", "16")), "428.5u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v4_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("16", "17")), "50m"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("l4_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("17", "18")), "10u"))

# Energy Extractor 2
netlist.add(CommentElement("* Energy Extractor 2"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("x1_RB_EE2", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("18", "19")), "RB_EE2_1poleEq"))

# Bus bar to PC 
netlist.add(CommentElement("* Bus bar to PC"));
netlist.add(GeneralElement("r5_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("19", "20")), "54u"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("l5_warm", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("20", "21")), "10u"))

2.4.2. Chain of magnets in seriesΒΆ

While creating the chain of magnets in series, we will replace the ones that quenched with models that represent this behaviour.

In [20]:
# Read R1, R2 for Lumped MB Model
csv = CSVReader(r1r2CSVInputPath, "\t")
vecIn = csv.read()

mbParameters = a.create_string_array(gateway, vecIn.get(0).split(csv.getCsvSplitBy()))
vecR1R2 = CSVReader.convertCsvStringToDoubleVector(csv.getCsvSplitBy(), vecIn[1:len(vecIn)])

# Magnet series
netlist.add(CommentElement("*Magnets Series"))
for i in range(N_MAGS):
    name = "x_MB" + str(i + 1)
    nodes = a.create_string_array(gateway, ("MAG" + str(i + 1), 
                                            "MAG_Mid" + str(i + 1), 
                                            "MAG" + str(i + 2), 
                                            "MAG_Gnd" + str(i + 1)))
    # if i not in el_index_lst then "RB_MB_Dipole", else "RB_MB_Dipole_n"
    if (i + 1) in el_index_lst:
        subcircuitAtribute = "RB_MB_Dipole_%d" % (el_index_lst.index(i+1)+1)
        subcircuitAtribute = "RB_MB_Dipole"
    netlist.add(ParameterizedElement(name, nodes, subcircuitAtribute, mbParameters, vecR1R2.get(i).getVector()));
# Update node names in order to account for EE units to be connected
netlist.find("x_MB77").setNode(2, "MAG77_Out")
netlist.find("x_MB154").setNode(2, "MAG154_Out")

2.4.3. Grounding networkΒΆ

In [21]:
csv = CSVReader(gndCSVInputPath, "\t")
vecIn = csv.read()

vecGnd = CSVReader.convertCsvStringToDoubleVector(csv.getCsvSplitBy(), vecIn[1:len(vecIn)])

netlist.add(CommentElement("*Magnets grounding network"))
netlist.add(GeneralElement("v_fakeGND", a.create_string_array(gateway, ("GND1", "0")), "0"))

iGnd = 1;
for i in range(vecGnd.size()):
    noOfGnds = vecGnd.get(i).getLength()
    nodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, noOfGnds + 2)

    # Nodes in the grounding element
    for j in range(noOfGnds):
        mbName = str.format("x_MB{}", int(vecGnd.get(i).get(j)))
        nodes[j] = netlist.find(mbName).getNode(INDEX_OUT_NODE)
    nodes[noOfGnds] = "GND" + str(iGnd)
    iGnd += 1
    nodes[noOfGnds + 1] = "GND" + str(iGnd)
    name = "x_MbGND" + str(i + 1)
    subcircuitAtribute = "RB_Gnd_Cell" + str(noOfGnds) + "MB"
    netlist.add(GeneralElement(name, nodes, subcircuitAtribute))

netlist.find("x_MbGND54").setNode(INDEX_OUT_NODE, "GND54_Float")

2.4.4. Voltage FeelersΒΆ

In [22]:
csv = CSVReader(voltFeelersCSVInputPath, "\t")
vecIn = csv.read()

vecVF = CSVReader.convertCsvStringToDoubleVector(csv.getCsvSplitBy(), vecIn[1:len(vecIn)])

nodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)

# Voltage Feelers network
netlist.add(CommentElement("*Voltage feelers network"));

for i in range(vecVF.size()):
    name = "r1_VF" + str(i + 1)
    subcircuitAtribute = "20e06"
    mbName = str.format("x_MB{}", int(vecVF.get(i).get(0)))
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = netlist.find(mbName).getNode(0), "v_vf" + str(i + 1)
    netlist.add(GeneralElement(name, nodes, subcircuitAtribute))
    name = "r2_VF" + str(i + 1)
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = "v_vf" + str(i + 1), "0"
    subcircuitAtribute = "24e03"
    netlist.add(GeneralElement(name, nodes, subcircuitAtribute))

2.4.5. Additional Output SignalsΒΆ

In [23]:
netlist.add(CommentElement("****** Outputs ---------------------------------------------------------------"))
netlist.add(CommentElement("*Signals of the voltage across each magnet"))

nodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)
valueNodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)

# Output voltage across each magnet
for i in range(1, N_MAGS):
    name = "E_ABM_MAG" + str(i)
    magIn = netlist.find("x_MB" + str(i)).getNode(0)
    magOut = netlist.find("x_MB" + str(i)).getNode(2)
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = "v_mag" + str(i), "0"
    valueNodes[0], valueNodes[1] = magIn, magOut
    netlist.add(OutputGeneralElement(name, nodes, valueNodes))

2.4.6. RC filter simulating QPSΒΆ

In [24]:
netlist.add(CommentElement("*Filtered signals of the voltage across each magnet"))

nodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)

for i in range(1, N_MAGS):
    name = "r_filter" + str(i)
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = "v_mag" + str(i), "v_magf" + str(i)
    subcircuitAtribute = "10e03"
    netlist.add(GeneralElement(name, nodes, subcircuitAtribute))
    name = "c_filter" + str(i)
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = "v_magf" + str(i), "0"
    subcircuitAtribute = "100e-09"
    netlist.add(GeneralElement(name, nodes, subcircuitAtribute))

2.4.7. Output voltage across 1st aperture magnetΒΆ

In [25]:
netlist.add(CommentElement("*Signals of the voltage across each first aperture of magnets"));

nodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)
valueNodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)

for i in range(1, N_MAGS):
    name = "E_ABM_1stAP_MAG" + str(i)
    magIn = netlist.find("x_MB" + str(i)).getNode(0)
    magOut = netlist.find("x_MB" + str(i)).getNode(1)
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = "v_ApA" + str(i), "0"
    valueNodes[0], valueNodes[1] = magIn, magOut
    netlist.add(OutputGeneralElement(name, nodes, valueNodes))

2.4.8. Output voltage across 2nd aperture magnetΒΆ

In [26]:
netlist.add(CommentElement("*Signals of the voltage across each second aperture of magnets"));

nodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)
valueNodes = gateway.new_array(gateway.jvm.String, 2)

for i in range(1,N_MAGS):
    name = "E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG" + str(i)
    magIn = netlist.find("x_MB" + str(i)).getNode(1)
    magOut = netlist.find("x_MB" + str(i)).getNode(2)
    nodes[0], nodes[1] = "v_ApB" + str(i), "0"
    valueNodes[0], valueNodes[1] = magIn, magOut
    netlist.add(OutputGeneralElement(name, nodes, valueNodes))

2.5. Add solver settingsΒΆ

2.5.1. Get t_FPA from Logged Power Converter CurrentΒΆ

Pleas note that the query duration should be adjusted such that current starts from 0. It is needed for the circuit model to properly start from the bias point calculation.

In [28]:
timestamp_fgc = results_table.loc[0, 'timestamp_fgc'] 

i_meas_df = QueryBuilder().with_nxcals(spark) \
    .with_duration(t_start=int(timestamp_fgc), duration=[(1500, 's'), (0, 's')]) \
    .with_circuit_type('RB') \
    .with_metadata(circuit_name='RB.A12', system='PC', signal='I_MEAS') \
    .signal_query() \
    .synchronize_time() \


t_fpa = i_meas_df.idxmax().values[0]

2.5.2. Write Solver Settings to NetlistΒΆ

In [29]:

# Set transient solver default options

# Set transient solver autoconvergence default options

# Set config file for state and time stepping

# Set transient solver settings
outputInSec = a.create_double_array(gateway, (0.0, t_fpa + TIME_FROM_FPA_TO_DISCHARGE, 0.0))

time_stepping = [[0 for x in range(2)] for y in range(5)] 
time_stepping[0][0], time_stepping[0][1] = 0.0, DT_DURING_RAMP
time_stepping[1][0], time_stepping[1][1] = t_fpa-1, 1e-003
time_stepping[2][0], time_stepping[2][1] = t_fpa-1e-4, 1e-006
time_stepping[3][0], time_stepping[3][1] = t_fpa+1e-4, 1e-003
time_stepping[4][0], time_stepping[4][1] = t_fpa+ TIME_AFTER_SECOND_EE, DT_DURING_RAMP

timeSteppingSchedule = a.create_unboxed_double_2D_array(gateway, time_stepping)

netlist.setSolver(TransientSolverElement(outputInSec, timeSteppingSchedule))

2.6. Print the library subcircuit netlistΒΆ

In [30]:
netlistAsListString = netlist.generateNetlistFile("BINARY")
for i in range(len(netlistAsListString)):
* PSPICE Netlist Simulation File
* Generated on 2020/05/07 11:55:12 at CERN
* Authors: STEAM
.STMLIB Stimulus.stl
.LIB "C:\gitlab\steam-pspice-library\RB\Items\RB_Diodes.lib"
.LIB "C:\gitlab\steam-pspice-library\RB\Items\RB_Thyristors.lib"
.LIB "C:\gitlab\steam-pspice-library\RB\Items\RB_Switches.lib"
.LIB "C:\gitlab\steam-pspice-library\RB\Items\RB_PC.lib"
.LIB "C:\gitlab\steam-pspice-library\RB\Items\RB_MB.lib"
.LIB "C:\gitlab\steam-pspice-library\RB\Items\RB_EE.lib"
.LIB "lib\RB_MB_Quench.lib"
* Two PCs in parallel
x1_PC (1 2) RB_PC_Full
v1_filterPH (2 3) 0
v2_filterPH (21 1) 0
* HTS lead 1 HOT-COLD
r1_warm (3 4) 378.5u
v1_warm (4 5) 50m
l1_warm (5 6) 10u
v1_fake (6 MAG1) 0
* HTS lead 2 COLD-HOT
v2_fake (MAG77_Out 7) 0
r2_warm (7 8) 69.5u
v2_warm (8 9) 50m
l2_warm (9 10) 10u
* Energy Extractor 1
x1_RB_EE1 (10 11) RB_EE1_1poleEq
* HTS lead 3 HOT-COLD
r3_warm (11 12) 69.5u
v3_warm (12 13) 50m
l3_warm (13 14) 10u
v3_fake (14 MAG78) 0
* HTS lead 4 COLD-HOT
v4_fake (MAG154_Out 15) 0
r4_warm (15 16) 428.5u
v4_warm (16 17) 50m
l4_warm (17 18) 10u
* Energy Extractor 2
x1_RB_EE2 (18 19) RB_EE2_1poleEq
* Bus bar to PC
r5_warm (19 20) 54u
l5_warm (20 21) 10u
*Magnets Series
x_MB1 (MAG1 MAG_Mid1 MAG2 MAG_Gnd1) RB_MB_Dipole_9
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB2 (MAG2 MAG_Mid2 MAG3 MAG_Gnd2) RB_MB_Dipole_5
+ PARAMS: r1=7.95 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB3 (MAG3 MAG_Mid3 MAG4 MAG_Gnd3) RB_MB_Dipole_8
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB4 (MAG4 MAG_Mid4 MAG5 MAG_Gnd4) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.92 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB5 (MAG5 MAG_Mid5 MAG6 MAG_Gnd5) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.97 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB6 (MAG6 MAG_Mid6 MAG7 MAG_Gnd6) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.04 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB7 (MAG7 MAG_Mid7 MAG8 MAG_Gnd7) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.34 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB8 (MAG8 MAG_Mid8 MAG9 MAG_Gnd8) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.74 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB9 (MAG9 MAG_Mid9 MAG10 MAG_Gnd9) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.69 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB10 (MAG10 MAG_Mid10 MAG11 MAG_Gnd10) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.62 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB11 (MAG11 MAG_Mid11 MAG12 MAG_Gnd11) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.89 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB12 (MAG12 MAG_Mid12 MAG13 MAG_Gnd12) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB13 (MAG13 MAG_Mid13 MAG14 MAG_Gnd13) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.38 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB14 (MAG14 MAG_Mid14 MAG15 MAG_Gnd14) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.83 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB15 (MAG15 MAG_Mid15 MAG16 MAG_Gnd15) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB16 (MAG16 MAG_Mid16 MAG17 MAG_Gnd16) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.32 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB17 (MAG17 MAG_Mid17 MAG18 MAG_Gnd17) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB18 (MAG18 MAG_Mid18 MAG19 MAG_Gnd18) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB19 (MAG19 MAG_Mid19 MAG20 MAG_Gnd19) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.95 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB20 (MAG20 MAG_Mid20 MAG21 MAG_Gnd20) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.99 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB21 (MAG21 MAG_Mid21 MAG22 MAG_Gnd21) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB22 (MAG22 MAG_Mid22 MAG23 MAG_Gnd22) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.59 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB23 (MAG23 MAG_Mid23 MAG24 MAG_Gnd23) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB24 (MAG24 MAG_Mid24 MAG25 MAG_Gnd24) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.23 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB25 (MAG25 MAG_Mid25 MAG26 MAG_Gnd25) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.08 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB26 (MAG26 MAG_Mid26 MAG27 MAG_Gnd26) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.79 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB27 (MAG27 MAG_Mid27 MAG28 MAG_Gnd27) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.79 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB28 (MAG28 MAG_Mid28 MAG29 MAG_Gnd28) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB29 (MAG29 MAG_Mid29 MAG30 MAG_Gnd29) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB30 (MAG30 MAG_Mid30 MAG31 MAG_Gnd30) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB31 (MAG31 MAG_Mid31 MAG32 MAG_Gnd31) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.69 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB32 (MAG32 MAG_Mid32 MAG33 MAG_Gnd32) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.8 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB33 (MAG33 MAG_Mid33 MAG34 MAG_Gnd33) RB_MB_Dipole_6
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB34 (MAG34 MAG_Mid34 MAG35 MAG_Gnd34) RB_MB_Dipole_4
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.86 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB35 (MAG35 MAG_Mid35 MAG36 MAG_Gnd35) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.59 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB36 (MAG36 MAG_Mid36 MAG37 MAG_Gnd36) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.91 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB37 (MAG37 MAG_Mid37 MAG38 MAG_Gnd37) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.09 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB38 (MAG38 MAG_Mid38 MAG39 MAG_Gnd38) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.84 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB39 (MAG39 MAG_Mid39 MAG40 MAG_Gnd39) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.93 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB40 (MAG40 MAG_Mid40 MAG41 MAG_Gnd40) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB41 (MAG41 MAG_Mid41 MAG42 MAG_Gnd41) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.79 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB42 (MAG42 MAG_Mid42 MAG43 MAG_Gnd42) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.96 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB43 (MAG43 MAG_Mid43 MAG44 MAG_Gnd43) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB44 (MAG44 MAG_Mid44 MAG45 MAG_Gnd44) RB_MB_Dipole_2
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB45 (MAG45 MAG_Mid45 MAG46 MAG_Gnd45) RB_MB_Dipole_1
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB46 (MAG46 MAG_Mid46 MAG47 MAG_Gnd46) RB_MB_Dipole_7
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.83 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB47 (MAG47 MAG_Mid47 MAG48 MAG_Gnd47) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.87 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB48 (MAG48 MAG_Mid48 MAG49 MAG_Gnd48) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB49 (MAG49 MAG_Mid49 MAG50 MAG_Gnd49) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.96 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB50 (MAG50 MAG_Mid50 MAG51 MAG_Gnd50) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.8 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB51 (MAG51 MAG_Mid51 MAG52 MAG_Gnd51) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB52 (MAG52 MAG_Mid52 MAG53 MAG_Gnd52) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.36 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB53 (MAG53 MAG_Mid53 MAG54 MAG_Gnd53) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.52 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB54 (MAG54 MAG_Mid54 MAG55 MAG_Gnd54) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB55 (MAG55 MAG_Mid55 MAG56 MAG_Gnd55) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB56 (MAG56 MAG_Mid56 MAG57 MAG_Gnd56) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB57 (MAG57 MAG_Mid57 MAG58 MAG_Gnd57) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.37 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB58 (MAG58 MAG_Mid58 MAG59 MAG_Gnd58) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.25 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB59 (MAG59 MAG_Mid59 MAG60 MAG_Gnd59) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.94 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB60 (MAG60 MAG_Mid60 MAG61 MAG_Gnd60) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB61 (MAG61 MAG_Mid61 MAG62 MAG_Gnd61) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.22 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB62 (MAG62 MAG_Mid62 MAG63 MAG_Gnd62) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB63 (MAG63 MAG_Mid63 MAG64 MAG_Gnd63) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.93 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB64 (MAG64 MAG_Mid64 MAG65 MAG_Gnd64) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.87 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB65 (MAG65 MAG_Mid65 MAG66 MAG_Gnd65) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.83 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB66 (MAG66 MAG_Mid66 MAG67 MAG_Gnd66) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB67 (MAG67 MAG_Mid67 MAG68 MAG_Gnd67) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.8 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB68 (MAG68 MAG_Mid68 MAG69 MAG_Gnd68) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB69 (MAG69 MAG_Mid69 MAG70 MAG_Gnd69) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.43 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB70 (MAG70 MAG_Mid70 MAG71 MAG_Gnd70) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.98 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB71 (MAG71 MAG_Mid71 MAG72 MAG_Gnd71) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB72 (MAG72 MAG_Mid72 MAG73 MAG_Gnd72) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.92 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB73 (MAG73 MAG_Mid73 MAG74 MAG_Gnd73) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB74 (MAG74 MAG_Mid74 MAG75 MAG_Gnd74) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.49 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB75 (MAG75 MAG_Mid75 MAG76 MAG_Gnd75) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB76 (MAG76 MAG_Mid76 MAG77 MAG_Gnd76) RB_MB_Dipole_3
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.96 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB77 (MAG77 MAG_Mid77 MAG77_Out MAG_Gnd77) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.28 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB78 (MAG78 MAG_Mid78 MAG79 MAG_Gnd78) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB79 (MAG79 MAG_Mid79 MAG80 MAG_Gnd79) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB80 (MAG80 MAG_Mid80 MAG81 MAG_Gnd80) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB81 (MAG81 MAG_Mid81 MAG82 MAG_Gnd81) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB82 (MAG82 MAG_Mid82 MAG83 MAG_Gnd82) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB83 (MAG83 MAG_Mid83 MAG84 MAG_Gnd83) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.81 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB84 (MAG84 MAG_Mid84 MAG85 MAG_Gnd84) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB85 (MAG85 MAG_Mid85 MAG86 MAG_Gnd85) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.6 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB86 (MAG86 MAG_Mid86 MAG87 MAG_Gnd86) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.48 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB87 (MAG87 MAG_Mid87 MAG88 MAG_Gnd87) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.73 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB88 (MAG88 MAG_Mid88 MAG89 MAG_Gnd88) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.85 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB89 (MAG89 MAG_Mid89 MAG90 MAG_Gnd89) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.87 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB90 (MAG90 MAG_Mid90 MAG91 MAG_Gnd90) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.81 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB91 (MAG91 MAG_Mid91 MAG92 MAG_Gnd91) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.7 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB92 (MAG92 MAG_Mid92 MAG93 MAG_Gnd92) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.06 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB93 (MAG93 MAG_Mid93 MAG94 MAG_Gnd93) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB94 (MAG94 MAG_Mid94 MAG95 MAG_Gnd94) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB95 (MAG95 MAG_Mid95 MAG96 MAG_Gnd95) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.04 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB96 (MAG96 MAG_Mid96 MAG97 MAG_Gnd96) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.05 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB97 (MAG97 MAG_Mid97 MAG98 MAG_Gnd97) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.71 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB98 (MAG98 MAG_Mid98 MAG99 MAG_Gnd98) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.9 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB99 (MAG99 MAG_Mid99 MAG100 MAG_Gnd99) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.93 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB100 (MAG100 MAG_Mid100 MAG101 MAG_Gnd100) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.5 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB101 (MAG101 MAG_Mid101 MAG102 MAG_Gnd101) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.79 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB102 (MAG102 MAG_Mid102 MAG103 MAG_Gnd102) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB103 (MAG103 MAG_Mid103 MAG104 MAG_Gnd103) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.86 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB104 (MAG104 MAG_Mid104 MAG105 MAG_Gnd104) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.48 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB105 (MAG105 MAG_Mid105 MAG106 MAG_Gnd105) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.39 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB106 (MAG106 MAG_Mid106 MAG107 MAG_Gnd106) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.08 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB107 (MAG107 MAG_Mid107 MAG108 MAG_Gnd107) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.42 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB108 (MAG108 MAG_Mid108 MAG109 MAG_Gnd108) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB109 (MAG109 MAG_Mid109 MAG110 MAG_Gnd109) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.72 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB110 (MAG110 MAG_Mid110 MAG111 MAG_Gnd110) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB111 (MAG111 MAG_Mid111 MAG112 MAG_Gnd111) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.77 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB112 (MAG112 MAG_Mid112 MAG113 MAG_Gnd112) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.86 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB113 (MAG113 MAG_Mid113 MAG114 MAG_Gnd113) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.67 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB114 (MAG114 MAG_Mid114 MAG115 MAG_Gnd114) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.98 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB115 (MAG115 MAG_Mid115 MAG116 MAG_Gnd115) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB116 (MAG116 MAG_Mid116 MAG117 MAG_Gnd116) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.32 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB117 (MAG117 MAG_Mid117 MAG118 MAG_Gnd117) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.69 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB118 (MAG118 MAG_Mid118 MAG119 MAG_Gnd118) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.83 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB119 (MAG119 MAG_Mid119 MAG120 MAG_Gnd119) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.55 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB120 (MAG120 MAG_Mid120 MAG121 MAG_Gnd120) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.55 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB121 (MAG121 MAG_Mid121 MAG122 MAG_Gnd121) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.82 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB122 (MAG122 MAG_Mid122 MAG123 MAG_Gnd122) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.6 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB123 (MAG123 MAG_Mid123 MAG124 MAG_Gnd123) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB124 (MAG124 MAG_Mid124 MAG125 MAG_Gnd124) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB125 (MAG125 MAG_Mid125 MAG126 MAG_Gnd125) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.3 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB126 (MAG126 MAG_Mid126 MAG127 MAG_Gnd126) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB127 (MAG127 MAG_Mid127 MAG128 MAG_Gnd127) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.74 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB128 (MAG128 MAG_Mid128 MAG129 MAG_Gnd128) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB129 (MAG129 MAG_Mid129 MAG130 MAG_Gnd129) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.81 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB130 (MAG130 MAG_Mid130 MAG131 MAG_Gnd130) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.74 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB131 (MAG131 MAG_Mid131 MAG132 MAG_Gnd131) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.95 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB132 (MAG132 MAG_Mid132 MAG133 MAG_Gnd132) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.5 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB133 (MAG133 MAG_Mid133 MAG134 MAG_Gnd133) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.57 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB134 (MAG134 MAG_Mid134 MAG135 MAG_Gnd134) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB135 (MAG135 MAG_Mid135 MAG136 MAG_Gnd135) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.71 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB136 (MAG136 MAG_Mid136 MAG137 MAG_Gnd136) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.32 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB137 (MAG137 MAG_Mid137 MAG138 MAG_Gnd137) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.99 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB138 (MAG138 MAG_Mid138 MAG139 MAG_Gnd138) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.61 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB139 (MAG139 MAG_Mid139 MAG140 MAG_Gnd139) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.79 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB140 (MAG140 MAG_Mid140 MAG141 MAG_Gnd140) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.63 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB141 (MAG141 MAG_Mid141 MAG142 MAG_Gnd141) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.4 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB142 (MAG142 MAG_Mid142 MAG143 MAG_Gnd142) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.03 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB143 (MAG143 MAG_Mid143 MAG144 MAG_Gnd143) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.66 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB144 (MAG144 MAG_Mid144 MAG145 MAG_Gnd144) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.75 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB145 (MAG145 MAG_Mid145 MAG146 MAG_Gnd145) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=8.88 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB146 (MAG146 MAG_Mid146 MAG147 MAG_Gnd146) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.53 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB147 (MAG147 MAG_Mid147 MAG148 MAG_Gnd147) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.84 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB148 (MAG148 MAG_Mid148 MAG149 MAG_Gnd148) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=9.77 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB149 (MAG149 MAG_Mid149 MAG150 MAG_Gnd149) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=7.72 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB150 (MAG150 MAG_Mid150 MAG151 MAG_Gnd150) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=7.66 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB151 (MAG151 MAG_Mid151 MAG152 MAG_Gnd151) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=8.91 r2=10.0 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB152 (MAG152 MAG_Mid152 MAG153 MAG_Gnd152) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.5 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB153 (MAG153 MAG_Mid153 MAG154 MAG_Gnd153) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.84 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
x_MB154 (MAG154 MAG_Mid154 MAG154_Out MAG_Gnd154) RB_MB_Dipole
+ PARAMS: r1=10.0 r2=9.59 rGnd1=1.1E7 rGnd2=1.1E7 rGnd3=1.1E7 rGnd4=1.1E7 
*Magnets grounding network
v_fakeGND (GND1 0) 0
x_MbGND1 (MAG_Gnd1 MAG_Gnd154 GND1 GND2) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND2 (MAG_Gnd2 MAG_Gnd153 GND2 GND3) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND3 (MAG_Gnd3 MAG_Gnd152 GND3 GND4) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND4 (MAG_Gnd4 MAG_Gnd151 GND4 GND5) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND5 (MAG_Gnd5 MAG_Gnd150 MAG_Gnd6 GND5 GND6) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND6 (MAG_Gnd149 MAG_Gnd7 MAG_Gnd148 GND6 GND7) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND7 (MAG_Gnd8 MAG_Gnd147 MAG_Gnd9 GND7 GND8) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND8 (MAG_Gnd146 MAG_Gnd10 MAG_Gnd145 GND8 GND9) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND9 (MAG_Gnd11 MAG_Gnd144 MAG_Gnd12 GND9 GND10) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND10 (MAG_Gnd143 MAG_Gnd13 MAG_Gnd142 GND10 GND11) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND11 (MAG_Gnd14 MAG_Gnd141 MAG_Gnd15 GND11 GND12) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND12 (MAG_Gnd140 MAG_Gnd16 MAG_Gnd139 GND12 GND13) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND13 (MAG_Gnd17 MAG_Gnd138 MAG_Gnd18 GND13 GND14) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND14 (MAG_Gnd137 MAG_Gnd19 MAG_Gnd136 GND14 GND15) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND15 (MAG_Gnd20 MAG_Gnd135 MAG_Gnd21 GND15 GND16) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND16 (MAG_Gnd134 MAG_Gnd22 MAG_Gnd133 GND16 GND17) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND17 (MAG_Gnd23 MAG_Gnd132 MAG_Gnd24 GND17 GND18) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND18 (MAG_Gnd131 MAG_Gnd25 MAG_Gnd130 GND18 GND19) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND19 (MAG_Gnd26 MAG_Gnd129 MAG_Gnd27 GND19 GND20) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND20 (MAG_Gnd128 MAG_Gnd28 MAG_Gnd127 GND20 GND21) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND21 (MAG_Gnd29 MAG_Gnd126 MAG_Gnd30 GND21 GND22) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND22 (MAG_Gnd125 MAG_Gnd31 MAG_Gnd124 GND22 GND23) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND23 (MAG_Gnd32 MAG_Gnd123 MAG_Gnd33 GND23 GND24) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND24 (MAG_Gnd122 MAG_Gnd34 MAG_Gnd121 GND24 GND25) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND25 (MAG_Gnd35 MAG_Gnd120 MAG_Gnd36 GND25 GND26) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND26 (MAG_Gnd119 MAG_Gnd37 MAG_Gnd118 GND26 GND27) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND27 (MAG_Gnd38 MAG_Gnd117 MAG_Gnd39 GND27 GND28) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND28 (MAG_Gnd116 MAG_Gnd40 MAG_Gnd115 GND28 GND29) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND29 (MAG_Gnd41 MAG_Gnd114 MAG_Gnd42 GND29 GND30) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND30 (MAG_Gnd113 MAG_Gnd43 MAG_Gnd112 GND30 GND31) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND31 (MAG_Gnd44 MAG_Gnd111 MAG_Gnd45 GND31 GND32) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND32 (MAG_Gnd110 MAG_Gnd46 MAG_Gnd109 GND32 GND33) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND33 (MAG_Gnd47 MAG_Gnd108 MAG_Gnd48 GND33 GND34) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND34 (MAG_Gnd107 MAG_Gnd49 MAG_Gnd106 GND34 GND35) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND35 (MAG_Gnd50 MAG_Gnd105 MAG_Gnd51 GND35 GND36) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND36 (MAG_Gnd104 MAG_Gnd52 MAG_Gnd103 GND36 GND37) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND37 (MAG_Gnd53 MAG_Gnd102 MAG_Gnd54 GND37 GND38) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND38 (MAG_Gnd101 MAG_Gnd55 MAG_Gnd100 GND38 GND39) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND39 (MAG_Gnd56 MAG_Gnd99 MAG_Gnd57 GND39 GND40) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND40 (MAG_Gnd98 MAG_Gnd58 MAG_Gnd97 GND40 GND41) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND41 (MAG_Gnd59 MAG_Gnd96 MAG_Gnd60 GND41 GND42) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND42 (MAG_Gnd95 MAG_Gnd61 MAG_Gnd94 GND42 GND43) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND43 (MAG_Gnd62 MAG_Gnd93 MAG_Gnd63 GND43 GND44) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND44 (MAG_Gnd92 MAG_Gnd64 MAG_Gnd91 GND44 GND45) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND45 (MAG_Gnd65 MAG_Gnd90 MAG_Gnd66 GND45 GND46) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND46 (MAG_Gnd89 MAG_Gnd67 MAG_Gnd88 GND46 GND47) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND47 (MAG_Gnd68 MAG_Gnd87 MAG_Gnd69 GND47 GND48) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND48 (MAG_Gnd86 MAG_Gnd70 MAG_Gnd85 GND48 GND49) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND49 (MAG_Gnd71 MAG_Gnd84 MAG_Gnd72 GND49 GND50) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND50 (MAG_Gnd83 MAG_Gnd73 MAG_Gnd82 GND50 GND51) RB_Gnd_Cell3MB
x_MbGND51 (MAG_Gnd74 MAG_Gnd81 GND51 GND52) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND52 (MAG_Gnd75 MAG_Gnd80 GND52 GND53) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND53 (MAG_Gnd76 MAG_Gnd79 GND53 GND54) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
x_MbGND54 (MAG_Gnd77 MAG_Gnd78 GND54 GND54_Float) RB_Gnd_Cell2MB
*Voltage feelers network
r1_VF1 (MAG1 v_vf1) 20e06
r2_VF1 (v_vf1 0) 24e03
r1_VF2 (MAG3 v_vf2) 20e06
r2_VF2 (v_vf2 0) 24e03
r1_VF3 (MAG5 v_vf3) 20e06
r2_VF3 (v_vf3 0) 24e03
r1_VF4 (MAG8 v_vf4) 20e06
r2_VF4 (v_vf4 0) 24e03
r1_VF5 (MAG11 v_vf5) 20e06
r2_VF5 (v_vf5 0) 24e03
r1_VF6 (MAG14 v_vf6) 20e06
r2_VF6 (v_vf6 0) 24e03
r1_VF7 (MAG17 v_vf7) 20e06
r2_VF7 (v_vf7 0) 24e03
r1_VF8 (MAG20 v_vf8) 20e06
r2_VF8 (v_vf8 0) 24e03
r1_VF9 (MAG23 v_vf9) 20e06
r2_VF9 (v_vf9 0) 24e03
r1_VF10 (MAG26 v_vf10) 20e06
r2_VF10 (v_vf10 0) 24e03
r1_VF11 (MAG29 v_vf11) 20e06
r2_VF11 (v_vf11 0) 24e03
r1_VF12 (MAG32 v_vf12) 20e06
r2_VF12 (v_vf12 0) 24e03
r1_VF13 (MAG35 v_vf13) 20e06
r2_VF13 (v_vf13 0) 24e03
r1_VF14 (MAG38 v_vf14) 20e06
r2_VF14 (v_vf14 0) 24e03
r1_VF15 (MAG41 v_vf15) 20e06
r2_VF15 (v_vf15 0) 24e03
r1_VF16 (MAG44 v_vf16) 20e06
r2_VF16 (v_vf16 0) 24e03
r1_VF17 (MAG47 v_vf17) 20e06
r2_VF17 (v_vf17 0) 24e03
r1_VF18 (MAG50 v_vf18) 20e06
r2_VF18 (v_vf18 0) 24e03
r1_VF19 (MAG53 v_vf19) 20e06
r2_VF19 (v_vf19 0) 24e03
r1_VF20 (MAG56 v_vf20) 20e06
r2_VF20 (v_vf20 0) 24e03
r1_VF21 (MAG59 v_vf21) 20e06
r2_VF21 (v_vf21 0) 24e03
r1_VF22 (MAG62 v_vf22) 20e06
r2_VF22 (v_vf22 0) 24e03
r1_VF23 (MAG65 v_vf23) 20e06
r2_VF23 (v_vf23 0) 24e03
r1_VF24 (MAG68 v_vf24) 20e06
r2_VF24 (v_vf24 0) 24e03
r1_VF25 (MAG71 v_vf25) 20e06
r2_VF25 (v_vf25 0) 24e03
r1_VF26 (MAG74 v_vf26) 20e06
r2_VF26 (v_vf26 0) 24e03
r1_VF27 (MAG76 v_vf27) 20e06
r2_VF27 (v_vf27 0) 24e03
r1_VF28 (MAG78 v_vf28) 20e06
r2_VF28 (v_vf28 0) 24e03
r1_VF29 (MAG81 v_vf29) 20e06
r2_VF29 (v_vf29 0) 24e03
r1_VF30 (MAG82 v_vf30) 20e06
r2_VF30 (v_vf30 0) 24e03
r1_VF31 (MAG85 v_vf31) 20e06
r2_VF31 (v_vf31 0) 24e03
r1_VF32 (MAG88 v_vf32) 20e06
r2_VF32 (v_vf32 0) 24e03
r1_VF33 (MAG91 v_vf33) 20e06
r2_VF33 (v_vf33 0) 24e03
r1_VF34 (MAG94 v_vf34) 20e06
r2_VF34 (v_vf34 0) 24e03
r1_VF35 (MAG97 v_vf35) 20e06
r2_VF35 (v_vf35 0) 24e03
r1_VF36 (MAG100 v_vf36) 20e06
r2_VF36 (v_vf36 0) 24e03
r1_VF37 (MAG103 v_vf37) 20e06
r2_VF37 (v_vf37 0) 24e03
r1_VF38 (MAG106 v_vf38) 20e06
r2_VF38 (v_vf38 0) 24e03
r1_VF39 (MAG109 v_vf39) 20e06
r2_VF39 (v_vf39 0) 24e03
r1_VF40 (MAG112 v_vf40) 20e06
r2_VF40 (v_vf40 0) 24e03
r1_VF41 (MAG115 v_vf41) 20e06
r2_VF41 (v_vf41 0) 24e03
r1_VF42 (MAG118 v_vf42) 20e06
r2_VF42 (v_vf42 0) 24e03
r1_VF43 (MAG121 v_vf43) 20e06
r2_VF43 (v_vf43 0) 24e03
r1_VF44 (MAG124 v_vf44) 20e06
r2_VF44 (v_vf44 0) 24e03
r1_VF45 (MAG127 v_vf45) 20e06
r2_VF45 (v_vf45 0) 24e03
r1_VF46 (MAG130 v_vf46) 20e06
r2_VF46 (v_vf46 0) 24e03
r1_VF47 (MAG133 v_vf47) 20e06
r2_VF47 (v_vf47 0) 24e03
r1_VF48 (MAG136 v_vf48) 20e06
r2_VF48 (v_vf48 0) 24e03
r1_VF49 (MAG139 v_vf49) 20e06
r2_VF49 (v_vf49 0) 24e03
r1_VF50 (MAG142 v_vf50) 20e06
r2_VF50 (v_vf50 0) 24e03
r1_VF51 (MAG145 v_vf51) 20e06
r2_VF51 (v_vf51 0) 24e03
r1_VF52 (MAG148 v_vf52) 20e06
r2_VF52 (v_vf52 0) 24e03
r1_VF53 (MAG151 v_vf53) 20e06
r2_VF53 (v_vf53 0) 24e03
r1_VF54 (MAG153 v_vf54) 20e06
r2_VF54 (v_vf54 0) 24e03
****** Outputs ---------------------------------------------------------------
*Signals of the voltage across each magnet
E_ABM_MAG1 (v_mag1 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG2 (v_mag2 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG3 (v_mag3 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG4 (v_mag4 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG5 (v_mag5 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG6 (v_mag6 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG7 (v_mag7 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG8 (v_mag8 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG9 (v_mag9 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG10 (v_mag10 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG11 (v_mag11 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG12 (v_mag12 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG13 (v_mag13 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG14 (v_mag14 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG15 (v_mag15 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG16 (v_mag16 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG17 (v_mag17 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG18 (v_mag18 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG19 (v_mag19 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG20 (v_mag20 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG21 (v_mag21 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG22 (v_mag22 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG23 (v_mag23 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG24 (v_mag24 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG25 (v_mag25 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG26 (v_mag26 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG27 (v_mag27 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG28 (v_mag28 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG29 (v_mag29 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG30 (v_mag30 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG31 (v_mag31 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG32 (v_mag32 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG33 (v_mag33 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG34 (v_mag34 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG35 (v_mag35 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG36 (v_mag36 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG37 (v_mag37 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG38 (v_mag38 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG39 (v_mag39 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG40 (v_mag40 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG41 (v_mag41 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG42 (v_mag42 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG43 (v_mag43 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG44 (v_mag44 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG45 (v_mag45 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG46 (v_mag46 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG47 (v_mag47 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG48 (v_mag48 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG49 (v_mag49 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG50 (v_mag50 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG51 (v_mag51 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG52 (v_mag52 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG53 (v_mag53 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG54 (v_mag54 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG55 (v_mag55 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG56 (v_mag56 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG57 (v_mag57 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG58 (v_mag58 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG59 (v_mag59 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG60 (v_mag60 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG61 (v_mag61 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG62 (v_mag62 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG63 (v_mag63 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG64 (v_mag64 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG65 (v_mag65 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG66 (v_mag66 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG67 (v_mag67 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG68 (v_mag68 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG69 (v_mag69 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG70 (v_mag70 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG71 (v_mag71 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG72 (v_mag72 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG73 (v_mag73 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG74 (v_mag74 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG75 (v_mag75 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG76 (v_mag76 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG77 (v_mag77 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG78 (v_mag78 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG79 (v_mag79 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG80 (v_mag80 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG81 (v_mag81 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG82 (v_mag82 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG83 (v_mag83 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG84 (v_mag84 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG85 (v_mag85 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG86 (v_mag86 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG87 (v_mag87 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG88 (v_mag88 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG89 (v_mag89 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG90 (v_mag90 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG91 (v_mag91 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG92 (v_mag92 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG93 (v_mag93 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG94 (v_mag94 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG95 (v_mag95 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG96 (v_mag96 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG97 (v_mag97 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG98 (v_mag98 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG99 (v_mag99 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG100 (v_mag100 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG101 (v_mag101 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG102 (v_mag102 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG103 (v_mag103 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG104 (v_mag104 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG105 (v_mag105 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG106 (v_mag106 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG107 (v_mag107 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG108 (v_mag108 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG109 (v_mag109 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG110 (v_mag110 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG111 (v_mag111 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG112 (v_mag112 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG113 (v_mag113 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG114 (v_mag114 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG115 (v_mag115 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG116 (v_mag116 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG117 (v_mag117 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG118 (v_mag118 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG119 (v_mag119 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG120 (v_mag120 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG121 (v_mag121 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG122 (v_mag122 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG123 (v_mag123 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG124 (v_mag124 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG125 (v_mag125 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG126 (v_mag126 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG127 (v_mag127 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG128 (v_mag128 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG129 (v_mag129 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG130 (v_mag130 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG131 (v_mag131 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG132 (v_mag132 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG133 (v_mag133 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG134 (v_mag134 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG135 (v_mag135 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG136 (v_mag136 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG137 (v_mag137 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG138 (v_mag138 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG139 (v_mag139 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG140 (v_mag140 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG141 (v_mag141 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG142 (v_mag142 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG143 (v_mag143 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG144 (v_mag144 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG145 (v_mag145 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG146 (v_mag146 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG147 (v_mag147 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG148 (v_mag148 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG149 (v_mag149 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG150 (v_mag150 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG151 (v_mag151 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG152 (v_mag152 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_MAG153 (v_mag153 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG154)}
*Filtered signals of the voltage across each magnet
r_filter1 (v_mag1 v_magf1) 10e03
c_filter1 (v_magf1 0) 100e-09
r_filter2 (v_mag2 v_magf2) 10e03
c_filter2 (v_magf2 0) 100e-09
r_filter3 (v_mag3 v_magf3) 10e03
c_filter3 (v_magf3 0) 100e-09
r_filter4 (v_mag4 v_magf4) 10e03
c_filter4 (v_magf4 0) 100e-09
r_filter5 (v_mag5 v_magf5) 10e03
c_filter5 (v_magf5 0) 100e-09
r_filter6 (v_mag6 v_magf6) 10e03
c_filter6 (v_magf6 0) 100e-09
r_filter7 (v_mag7 v_magf7) 10e03
c_filter7 (v_magf7 0) 100e-09
r_filter8 (v_mag8 v_magf8) 10e03
c_filter8 (v_magf8 0) 100e-09
r_filter9 (v_mag9 v_magf9) 10e03
c_filter9 (v_magf9 0) 100e-09
r_filter10 (v_mag10 v_magf10) 10e03
c_filter10 (v_magf10 0) 100e-09
r_filter11 (v_mag11 v_magf11) 10e03
c_filter11 (v_magf11 0) 100e-09
r_filter12 (v_mag12 v_magf12) 10e03
c_filter12 (v_magf12 0) 100e-09
r_filter13 (v_mag13 v_magf13) 10e03
c_filter13 (v_magf13 0) 100e-09
r_filter14 (v_mag14 v_magf14) 10e03
c_filter14 (v_magf14 0) 100e-09
r_filter15 (v_mag15 v_magf15) 10e03
c_filter15 (v_magf15 0) 100e-09
r_filter16 (v_mag16 v_magf16) 10e03
c_filter16 (v_magf16 0) 100e-09
r_filter17 (v_mag17 v_magf17) 10e03
c_filter17 (v_magf17 0) 100e-09
r_filter18 (v_mag18 v_magf18) 10e03
c_filter18 (v_magf18 0) 100e-09
r_filter19 (v_mag19 v_magf19) 10e03
c_filter19 (v_magf19 0) 100e-09
r_filter20 (v_mag20 v_magf20) 10e03
c_filter20 (v_magf20 0) 100e-09
r_filter21 (v_mag21 v_magf21) 10e03
c_filter21 (v_magf21 0) 100e-09
r_filter22 (v_mag22 v_magf22) 10e03
c_filter22 (v_magf22 0) 100e-09
r_filter23 (v_mag23 v_magf23) 10e03
c_filter23 (v_magf23 0) 100e-09
r_filter24 (v_mag24 v_magf24) 10e03
c_filter24 (v_magf24 0) 100e-09
r_filter25 (v_mag25 v_magf25) 10e03
c_filter25 (v_magf25 0) 100e-09
r_filter26 (v_mag26 v_magf26) 10e03
c_filter26 (v_magf26 0) 100e-09
r_filter27 (v_mag27 v_magf27) 10e03
c_filter27 (v_magf27 0) 100e-09
r_filter28 (v_mag28 v_magf28) 10e03
c_filter28 (v_magf28 0) 100e-09
r_filter29 (v_mag29 v_magf29) 10e03
c_filter29 (v_magf29 0) 100e-09
r_filter30 (v_mag30 v_magf30) 10e03
c_filter30 (v_magf30 0) 100e-09
r_filter31 (v_mag31 v_magf31) 10e03
c_filter31 (v_magf31 0) 100e-09
r_filter32 (v_mag32 v_magf32) 10e03
c_filter32 (v_magf32 0) 100e-09
r_filter33 (v_mag33 v_magf33) 10e03
c_filter33 (v_magf33 0) 100e-09
r_filter34 (v_mag34 v_magf34) 10e03
c_filter34 (v_magf34 0) 100e-09
r_filter35 (v_mag35 v_magf35) 10e03
c_filter35 (v_magf35 0) 100e-09
r_filter36 (v_mag36 v_magf36) 10e03
c_filter36 (v_magf36 0) 100e-09
r_filter37 (v_mag37 v_magf37) 10e03
c_filter37 (v_magf37 0) 100e-09
r_filter38 (v_mag38 v_magf38) 10e03
c_filter38 (v_magf38 0) 100e-09
r_filter39 (v_mag39 v_magf39) 10e03
c_filter39 (v_magf39 0) 100e-09
r_filter40 (v_mag40 v_magf40) 10e03
c_filter40 (v_magf40 0) 100e-09
r_filter41 (v_mag41 v_magf41) 10e03
c_filter41 (v_magf41 0) 100e-09
r_filter42 (v_mag42 v_magf42) 10e03
c_filter42 (v_magf42 0) 100e-09
r_filter43 (v_mag43 v_magf43) 10e03
c_filter43 (v_magf43 0) 100e-09
r_filter44 (v_mag44 v_magf44) 10e03
c_filter44 (v_magf44 0) 100e-09
r_filter45 (v_mag45 v_magf45) 10e03
c_filter45 (v_magf45 0) 100e-09
r_filter46 (v_mag46 v_magf46) 10e03
c_filter46 (v_magf46 0) 100e-09
r_filter47 (v_mag47 v_magf47) 10e03
c_filter47 (v_magf47 0) 100e-09
r_filter48 (v_mag48 v_magf48) 10e03
c_filter48 (v_magf48 0) 100e-09
r_filter49 (v_mag49 v_magf49) 10e03
c_filter49 (v_magf49 0) 100e-09
r_filter50 (v_mag50 v_magf50) 10e03
c_filter50 (v_magf50 0) 100e-09
r_filter51 (v_mag51 v_magf51) 10e03
c_filter51 (v_magf51 0) 100e-09
r_filter52 (v_mag52 v_magf52) 10e03
c_filter52 (v_magf52 0) 100e-09
r_filter53 (v_mag53 v_magf53) 10e03
c_filter53 (v_magf53 0) 100e-09
r_filter54 (v_mag54 v_magf54) 10e03
c_filter54 (v_magf54 0) 100e-09
r_filter55 (v_mag55 v_magf55) 10e03
c_filter55 (v_magf55 0) 100e-09
r_filter56 (v_mag56 v_magf56) 10e03
c_filter56 (v_magf56 0) 100e-09
r_filter57 (v_mag57 v_magf57) 10e03
c_filter57 (v_magf57 0) 100e-09
r_filter58 (v_mag58 v_magf58) 10e03
c_filter58 (v_magf58 0) 100e-09
r_filter59 (v_mag59 v_magf59) 10e03
c_filter59 (v_magf59 0) 100e-09
r_filter60 (v_mag60 v_magf60) 10e03
c_filter60 (v_magf60 0) 100e-09
r_filter61 (v_mag61 v_magf61) 10e03
c_filter61 (v_magf61 0) 100e-09
r_filter62 (v_mag62 v_magf62) 10e03
c_filter62 (v_magf62 0) 100e-09
r_filter63 (v_mag63 v_magf63) 10e03
c_filter63 (v_magf63 0) 100e-09
r_filter64 (v_mag64 v_magf64) 10e03
c_filter64 (v_magf64 0) 100e-09
r_filter65 (v_mag65 v_magf65) 10e03
c_filter65 (v_magf65 0) 100e-09
r_filter66 (v_mag66 v_magf66) 10e03
c_filter66 (v_magf66 0) 100e-09
r_filter67 (v_mag67 v_magf67) 10e03
c_filter67 (v_magf67 0) 100e-09
r_filter68 (v_mag68 v_magf68) 10e03
c_filter68 (v_magf68 0) 100e-09
r_filter69 (v_mag69 v_magf69) 10e03
c_filter69 (v_magf69 0) 100e-09
r_filter70 (v_mag70 v_magf70) 10e03
c_filter70 (v_magf70 0) 100e-09
r_filter71 (v_mag71 v_magf71) 10e03
c_filter71 (v_magf71 0) 100e-09
r_filter72 (v_mag72 v_magf72) 10e03
c_filter72 (v_magf72 0) 100e-09
r_filter73 (v_mag73 v_magf73) 10e03
c_filter73 (v_magf73 0) 100e-09
r_filter74 (v_mag74 v_magf74) 10e03
c_filter74 (v_magf74 0) 100e-09
r_filter75 (v_mag75 v_magf75) 10e03
c_filter75 (v_magf75 0) 100e-09
r_filter76 (v_mag76 v_magf76) 10e03
c_filter76 (v_magf76 0) 100e-09
r_filter77 (v_mag77 v_magf77) 10e03
c_filter77 (v_magf77 0) 100e-09
r_filter78 (v_mag78 v_magf78) 10e03
c_filter78 (v_magf78 0) 100e-09
r_filter79 (v_mag79 v_magf79) 10e03
c_filter79 (v_magf79 0) 100e-09
r_filter80 (v_mag80 v_magf80) 10e03
c_filter80 (v_magf80 0) 100e-09
r_filter81 (v_mag81 v_magf81) 10e03
c_filter81 (v_magf81 0) 100e-09
r_filter82 (v_mag82 v_magf82) 10e03
c_filter82 (v_magf82 0) 100e-09
r_filter83 (v_mag83 v_magf83) 10e03
c_filter83 (v_magf83 0) 100e-09
r_filter84 (v_mag84 v_magf84) 10e03
c_filter84 (v_magf84 0) 100e-09
r_filter85 (v_mag85 v_magf85) 10e03
c_filter85 (v_magf85 0) 100e-09
r_filter86 (v_mag86 v_magf86) 10e03
c_filter86 (v_magf86 0) 100e-09
r_filter87 (v_mag87 v_magf87) 10e03
c_filter87 (v_magf87 0) 100e-09
r_filter88 (v_mag88 v_magf88) 10e03
c_filter88 (v_magf88 0) 100e-09
r_filter89 (v_mag89 v_magf89) 10e03
c_filter89 (v_magf89 0) 100e-09
r_filter90 (v_mag90 v_magf90) 10e03
c_filter90 (v_magf90 0) 100e-09
r_filter91 (v_mag91 v_magf91) 10e03
c_filter91 (v_magf91 0) 100e-09
r_filter92 (v_mag92 v_magf92) 10e03
c_filter92 (v_magf92 0) 100e-09
r_filter93 (v_mag93 v_magf93) 10e03
c_filter93 (v_magf93 0) 100e-09
r_filter94 (v_mag94 v_magf94) 10e03
c_filter94 (v_magf94 0) 100e-09
r_filter95 (v_mag95 v_magf95) 10e03
c_filter95 (v_magf95 0) 100e-09
r_filter96 (v_mag96 v_magf96) 10e03
c_filter96 (v_magf96 0) 100e-09
r_filter97 (v_mag97 v_magf97) 10e03
c_filter97 (v_magf97 0) 100e-09
r_filter98 (v_mag98 v_magf98) 10e03
c_filter98 (v_magf98 0) 100e-09
r_filter99 (v_mag99 v_magf99) 10e03
c_filter99 (v_magf99 0) 100e-09
r_filter100 (v_mag100 v_magf100) 10e03
c_filter100 (v_magf100 0) 100e-09
r_filter101 (v_mag101 v_magf101) 10e03
c_filter101 (v_magf101 0) 100e-09
r_filter102 (v_mag102 v_magf102) 10e03
c_filter102 (v_magf102 0) 100e-09
r_filter103 (v_mag103 v_magf103) 10e03
c_filter103 (v_magf103 0) 100e-09
r_filter104 (v_mag104 v_magf104) 10e03
c_filter104 (v_magf104 0) 100e-09
r_filter105 (v_mag105 v_magf105) 10e03
c_filter105 (v_magf105 0) 100e-09
r_filter106 (v_mag106 v_magf106) 10e03
c_filter106 (v_magf106 0) 100e-09
r_filter107 (v_mag107 v_magf107) 10e03
c_filter107 (v_magf107 0) 100e-09
r_filter108 (v_mag108 v_magf108) 10e03
c_filter108 (v_magf108 0) 100e-09
r_filter109 (v_mag109 v_magf109) 10e03
c_filter109 (v_magf109 0) 100e-09
r_filter110 (v_mag110 v_magf110) 10e03
c_filter110 (v_magf110 0) 100e-09
r_filter111 (v_mag111 v_magf111) 10e03
c_filter111 (v_magf111 0) 100e-09
r_filter112 (v_mag112 v_magf112) 10e03
c_filter112 (v_magf112 0) 100e-09
r_filter113 (v_mag113 v_magf113) 10e03
c_filter113 (v_magf113 0) 100e-09
r_filter114 (v_mag114 v_magf114) 10e03
c_filter114 (v_magf114 0) 100e-09
r_filter115 (v_mag115 v_magf115) 10e03
c_filter115 (v_magf115 0) 100e-09
r_filter116 (v_mag116 v_magf116) 10e03
c_filter116 (v_magf116 0) 100e-09
r_filter117 (v_mag117 v_magf117) 10e03
c_filter117 (v_magf117 0) 100e-09
r_filter118 (v_mag118 v_magf118) 10e03
c_filter118 (v_magf118 0) 100e-09
r_filter119 (v_mag119 v_magf119) 10e03
c_filter119 (v_magf119 0) 100e-09
r_filter120 (v_mag120 v_magf120) 10e03
c_filter120 (v_magf120 0) 100e-09
r_filter121 (v_mag121 v_magf121) 10e03
c_filter121 (v_magf121 0) 100e-09
r_filter122 (v_mag122 v_magf122) 10e03
c_filter122 (v_magf122 0) 100e-09
r_filter123 (v_mag123 v_magf123) 10e03
c_filter123 (v_magf123 0) 100e-09
r_filter124 (v_mag124 v_magf124) 10e03
c_filter124 (v_magf124 0) 100e-09
r_filter125 (v_mag125 v_magf125) 10e03
c_filter125 (v_magf125 0) 100e-09
r_filter126 (v_mag126 v_magf126) 10e03
c_filter126 (v_magf126 0) 100e-09
r_filter127 (v_mag127 v_magf127) 10e03
c_filter127 (v_magf127 0) 100e-09
r_filter128 (v_mag128 v_magf128) 10e03
c_filter128 (v_magf128 0) 100e-09
r_filter129 (v_mag129 v_magf129) 10e03
c_filter129 (v_magf129 0) 100e-09
r_filter130 (v_mag130 v_magf130) 10e03
c_filter130 (v_magf130 0) 100e-09
r_filter131 (v_mag131 v_magf131) 10e03
c_filter131 (v_magf131 0) 100e-09
r_filter132 (v_mag132 v_magf132) 10e03
c_filter132 (v_magf132 0) 100e-09
r_filter133 (v_mag133 v_magf133) 10e03
c_filter133 (v_magf133 0) 100e-09
r_filter134 (v_mag134 v_magf134) 10e03
c_filter134 (v_magf134 0) 100e-09
r_filter135 (v_mag135 v_magf135) 10e03
c_filter135 (v_magf135 0) 100e-09
r_filter136 (v_mag136 v_magf136) 10e03
c_filter136 (v_magf136 0) 100e-09
r_filter137 (v_mag137 v_magf137) 10e03
c_filter137 (v_magf137 0) 100e-09
r_filter138 (v_mag138 v_magf138) 10e03
c_filter138 (v_magf138 0) 100e-09
r_filter139 (v_mag139 v_magf139) 10e03
c_filter139 (v_magf139 0) 100e-09
r_filter140 (v_mag140 v_magf140) 10e03
c_filter140 (v_magf140 0) 100e-09
r_filter141 (v_mag141 v_magf141) 10e03
c_filter141 (v_magf141 0) 100e-09
r_filter142 (v_mag142 v_magf142) 10e03
c_filter142 (v_magf142 0) 100e-09
r_filter143 (v_mag143 v_magf143) 10e03
c_filter143 (v_magf143 0) 100e-09
r_filter144 (v_mag144 v_magf144) 10e03
c_filter144 (v_magf144 0) 100e-09
r_filter145 (v_mag145 v_magf145) 10e03
c_filter145 (v_magf145 0) 100e-09
r_filter146 (v_mag146 v_magf146) 10e03
c_filter146 (v_magf146 0) 100e-09
r_filter147 (v_mag147 v_magf147) 10e03
c_filter147 (v_magf147 0) 100e-09
r_filter148 (v_mag148 v_magf148) 10e03
c_filter148 (v_magf148 0) 100e-09
r_filter149 (v_mag149 v_magf149) 10e03
c_filter149 (v_magf149 0) 100e-09
r_filter150 (v_mag150 v_magf150) 10e03
c_filter150 (v_magf150 0) 100e-09
r_filter151 (v_mag151 v_magf151) 10e03
c_filter151 (v_magf151 0) 100e-09
r_filter152 (v_mag152 v_magf152) 10e03
c_filter152 (v_magf152 0) 100e-09
r_filter153 (v_mag153 v_magf153) 10e03
c_filter153 (v_magf153 0) 100e-09
*Signals of the voltage across each first aperture of magnets
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG1 (v_ApA1 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG2 (v_ApA2 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG3 (v_ApA3 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG4 (v_ApA4 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG5 (v_ApA5 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG6 (v_ApA6 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG7 (v_ApA7 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG8 (v_ApA8 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG9 (v_ApA9 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG10 (v_ApA10 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG11 (v_ApA11 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG12 (v_ApA12 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG13 (v_ApA13 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG14 (v_ApA14 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG15 (v_ApA15 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG16 (v_ApA16 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG17 (v_ApA17 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG18 (v_ApA18 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG19 (v_ApA19 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG20 (v_ApA20 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG21 (v_ApA21 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG22 (v_ApA22 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG23 (v_ApA23 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG24 (v_ApA24 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG25 (v_ApA25 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG26 (v_ApA26 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG27 (v_ApA27 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG28 (v_ApA28 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG29 (v_ApA29 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG30 (v_ApA30 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG31 (v_ApA31 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG32 (v_ApA32 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG33 (v_ApA33 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG34 (v_ApA34 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG35 (v_ApA35 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG36 (v_ApA36 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG37 (v_ApA37 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG38 (v_ApA38 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG39 (v_ApA39 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG40 (v_ApA40 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG41 (v_ApA41 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG42 (v_ApA42 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG43 (v_ApA43 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG44 (v_ApA44 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG45 (v_ApA45 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG46 (v_ApA46 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG47 (v_ApA47 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG48 (v_ApA48 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG49 (v_ApA49 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG50 (v_ApA50 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG51 (v_ApA51 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG52 (v_ApA52 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG53 (v_ApA53 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG54 (v_ApA54 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG55 (v_ApA55 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG56 (v_ApA56 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG57 (v_ApA57 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG58 (v_ApA58 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG59 (v_ApA59 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG60 (v_ApA60 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG61 (v_ApA61 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG62 (v_ApA62 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG63 (v_ApA63 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG64 (v_ApA64 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG65 (v_ApA65 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG66 (v_ApA66 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG67 (v_ApA67 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG68 (v_ApA68 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG69 (v_ApA69 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG70 (v_ApA70 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG71 (v_ApA71 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG72 (v_ApA72 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG73 (v_ApA73 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG74 (v_ApA74 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG75 (v_ApA75 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG76 (v_ApA76 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG77 (v_ApA77 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG78 (v_ApA78 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG79 (v_ApA79 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG80 (v_ApA80 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG81 (v_ApA81 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG82 (v_ApA82 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG83 (v_ApA83 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG84 (v_ApA84 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG85 (v_ApA85 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG86 (v_ApA86 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG87 (v_ApA87 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG88 (v_ApA88 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG89 (v_ApA89 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG90 (v_ApA90 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG91 (v_ApA91 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG92 (v_ApA92 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG93 (v_ApA93 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG94 (v_ApA94 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG95 (v_ApA95 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG96 (v_ApA96 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG97 (v_ApA97 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG98 (v_ApA98 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG99 (v_ApA99 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG100 (v_ApA100 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG101 (v_ApA101 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG102 (v_ApA102 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG103 (v_ApA103 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG104 (v_ApA104 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG105 (v_ApA105 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG106 (v_ApA106 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG107 (v_ApA107 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG108 (v_ApA108 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG109 (v_ApA109 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG110 (v_ApA110 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG111 (v_ApA111 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG112 (v_ApA112 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG113 (v_ApA113 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG114 (v_ApA114 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG115 (v_ApA115 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG116 (v_ApA116 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG117 (v_ApA117 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG118 (v_ApA118 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG119 (v_ApA119 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG120 (v_ApA120 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG121 (v_ApA121 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG122 (v_ApA122 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG123 (v_ApA123 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG124 (v_ApA124 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG125 (v_ApA125 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG126 (v_ApA126 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG127 (v_ApA127 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG128 (v_ApA128 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG129 (v_ApA129 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG130 (v_ApA130 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG131 (v_ApA131 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG132 (v_ApA132 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG133 (v_ApA133 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG134 (v_ApA134 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG135 (v_ApA135 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG136 (v_ApA136 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG137 (v_ApA137 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG138 (v_ApA138 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG139 (v_ApA139 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG140 (v_ApA140 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG141 (v_ApA141 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG142 (v_ApA142 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG143 (v_ApA143 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG144 (v_ApA144 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG145 (v_ApA145 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG146 (v_ApA146 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG147 (v_ApA147 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG148 (v_ApA148 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG149 (v_ApA149 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG150 (v_ApA150 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG151 (v_ApA151 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG152 (v_ApA152 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
E_ABM_1stAP_MAG153 (v_ApA153 0) VALUE {V(MAG153,MAG_Mid153)}
*Signals of the voltage across each second aperture of magnets
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG1 (v_ApB1 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG2 (v_ApB2 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG3 (v_ApB3 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG4 (v_ApB4 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG5 (v_ApB5 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG6 (v_ApB6 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG7 (v_ApB7 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG8 (v_ApB8 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG9 (v_ApB9 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG10 (v_ApB10 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG11 (v_ApB11 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG12 (v_ApB12 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG13 (v_ApB13 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG14 (v_ApB14 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG15 (v_ApB15 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG16 (v_ApB16 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG17 (v_ApB17 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG18 (v_ApB18 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG19 (v_ApB19 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG20 (v_ApB20 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG21 (v_ApB21 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG22 (v_ApB22 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG23 (v_ApB23 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG24 (v_ApB24 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG25 (v_ApB25 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG26 (v_ApB26 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG27 (v_ApB27 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG28 (v_ApB28 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG29 (v_ApB29 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG30 (v_ApB30 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG31 (v_ApB31 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG32 (v_ApB32 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG33 (v_ApB33 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG34 (v_ApB34 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG35 (v_ApB35 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG36 (v_ApB36 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG37 (v_ApB37 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG38 (v_ApB38 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG39 (v_ApB39 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG40 (v_ApB40 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG41 (v_ApB41 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG42 (v_ApB42 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG43 (v_ApB43 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG44 (v_ApB44 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG45 (v_ApB45 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG46 (v_ApB46 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG47 (v_ApB47 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG48 (v_ApB48 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG49 (v_ApB49 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG50 (v_ApB50 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG51 (v_ApB51 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG52 (v_ApB52 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG53 (v_ApB53 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG54 (v_ApB54 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG55 (v_ApB55 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG56 (v_ApB56 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG57 (v_ApB57 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG58 (v_ApB58 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG59 (v_ApB59 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG60 (v_ApB60 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG61 (v_ApB61 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG62 (v_ApB62 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG63 (v_ApB63 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG64 (v_ApB64 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG65 (v_ApB65 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG66 (v_ApB66 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG67 (v_ApB67 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG68 (v_ApB68 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG69 (v_ApB69 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG70 (v_ApB70 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG71 (v_ApB71 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG72 (v_ApB72 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG73 (v_ApB73 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG74 (v_ApB74 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG75 (v_ApB75 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG76 (v_ApB76 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG77 (v_ApB77 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG78 (v_ApB78 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG79 (v_ApB79 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG80 (v_ApB80 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG81 (v_ApB81 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG82 (v_ApB82 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG83 (v_ApB83 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG84 (v_ApB84 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG85 (v_ApB85 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG86 (v_ApB86 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG87 (v_ApB87 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG88 (v_ApB88 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG89 (v_ApB89 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG90 (v_ApB90 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG91 (v_ApB91 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG92 (v_ApB92 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG93 (v_ApB93 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG94 (v_ApB94 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG95 (v_ApB95 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG96 (v_ApB96 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG97 (v_ApB97 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG98 (v_ApB98 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG99 (v_ApB99 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG100 (v_ApB100 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG101 (v_ApB101 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG102 (v_ApB102 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG103 (v_ApB103 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG104 (v_ApB104 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG105 (v_ApB105 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG106 (v_ApB106 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG107 (v_ApB107 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG108 (v_ApB108 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG109 (v_ApB109 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG110 (v_ApB110 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG111 (v_ApB111 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG112 (v_ApB112 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG113 (v_ApB113 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG114 (v_ApB114 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG115 (v_ApB115 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG116 (v_ApB116 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG117 (v_ApB117 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG118 (v_ApB118 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG119 (v_ApB119 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG120 (v_ApB120 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG121 (v_ApB121 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG122 (v_ApB122 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG123 (v_ApB123 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG124 (v_ApB124 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG125 (v_ApB125 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG126 (v_ApB126 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG127 (v_ApB127 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG128 (v_ApB128 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG129 (v_ApB129 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG130 (v_ApB130 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG131 (v_ApB131 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG132 (v_ApB132 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG133 (v_ApB133 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG134 (v_ApB134 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG135 (v_ApB135 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG136 (v_ApB136 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG137 (v_ApB137 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG138 (v_ApB138 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG139 (v_ApB139 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG140 (v_ApB140 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG141 (v_ApB141 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG142 (v_ApB142 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG143 (v_ApB143 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG144 (v_ApB144 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG145 (v_ApB145 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG146 (v_ApB146 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG147 (v_ApB147 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG148 (v_ApB148 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG149 (v_ApB149 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG150 (v_ApB150 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG151 (v_ApB151 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG152 (v_ApB152 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
E_ABM_2ndAP_MAG153 (v_ApB153 0) VALUE {V(MAG_Mid153,MAG154)}
+ RELTOL=0.01
+ VNTOL=0.000001
+ ABSTOL=0.0000000001
+ CHGTOL=0.00000000000001
+ GMIN=0.0000000001
+ ITL1=400
+ ITL2=20
+ ITL4=400
+ TNOM=27

+ RELTOL=0.05
+ VNTOL=0.001
+ ABSTOL=0.00001
+ ITL1=1000
+ ITL2=1000
+ ITL4=1000
+ PIVTOL=0.0000000001

.TRAN 0.0 1899.5 0.0 
+ 0.0,		 0.5,
+ 1498.5,		 0.001,
+ 1499.4999,		 1.0E-6,
+ 1499.5001,		 0.001,
+ 1500.2,		 0.5
+ )}


2.7. Write netlist to a fileΒΆ

In [31]:
TextFile.writeMultiLine('RB.cir', netlistAsListString, False)

2.8. Generate StimulusΒΆ


2.8.1. EE ODDΒΆ

In [33]:
t_delay_ee_odd = (results_table.loc[0, 'timestamp_ee_odd'] - results_table.loc[0, 'timestamp_fgc'])*1e-9
print('Delay of EE ODD is:', t_delay_ee_odd)

dt_ee = [50e-6, 260e-6, 150e-6, 50e-6]
t_delay_sw_odd = [2.45e-3, 4.45e-3, 7.05e-3, 8.25e-3]
ee_odd_stim = []
for i in range(4):
    signal = 'I_GATE_EE1_SWITCH_%d' % (i+1)
    ee_odd_stim.append(create_trapezoidal_stimulus(t_fpa=t_fpa, t_delay=t_delay_ee_odd, t_delay_sw=t_delay_sw_odd[i], 
                              dv=-0.05, dt=dt_ee[i], v0=0.5, v_end=0, t_end=t_fpa+500, signal=signal))
Delay of EE ODD is: 0.056

2.8.2. EE EVENΒΆ

In [34]:
t_delay_ee_even = (results_table.loc[0, 'timestamp_ee_even'] - results_table.loc[0, 'timestamp_fgc'])*1e-9
print('Delay of EE EVEN is: ', t_delay_ee_even)

t_delay_sw_even = [2.95e-3, 4.95e-3, 7.55e-3, 8.75e-3]
ee_even_stim = []
for i in range(4):
    signal = 'I_GATE_EE2_SWITCH_%d' % (i+1)
    ee_even_stim.append(create_trapezoidal_stimulus(t_fpa=t_fpa, t_delay=t_delay_ee_even, t_delay_sw=t_delay_sw_odd[i], 
                              dv=-0.05, dt=dt_ee[i], v0=0.5, v_end=0, t_end=t_fpa+500, signal=signal))
Delay of EE EVEN is:  0.555

2.8.3. PCΒΆ

In [35]:
i_meas_df[i_meas_df.index > t_fpa] = 0
i_meas_df /= 2
i_meas_df.columns = ['I_FPA_PC']

pc_stim = [i_meas_df,
          create_trapezoidal_stimulus(t_fpa=t_fpa, t_delay=0, t_delay_sw=0, 
                              dv=-0.05, dt=1e-6, v0=0.5, v_end=0, t_end=t_fpa+500, signal='I_GATE_RB_PC_PS_Thyr')]

2.8.4. Quenched MagnetsΒΆ

In [37]:
quenched_magnets_stim = []
for index, row in results_table.iterrows():
    quench_time = (row['timestamp_iqps']-row['timestamp_fgc'])*1e-9
    rq_df = create_trapezoidal_stimulus(t_fpa=t_fpa, t_delay=quench_time, t_delay_sw=0, 
                              dv=+0.1, dt=1e-3, v0=0.0, v_end=1.0, t_end=t_fpa+500, signal='R_quench_{}_stim'.format(index+1))

2.8.5. Write Stimulus to a Text FileΒΆ

In [38]:
unit = 'A'
stimulus_file = open("Stimulus.stl", "w") 
for df in ee_odd_stim + ee_even_stim + pc_stim + quenched_magnets_stim:
    stimulus_file.write(".STIMULUS {} PWL\n".format(df.columns[0])) 
    stimulus_file.write("+ TIME_SCALE_FACTOR = 1\n")
    stimulus_file.write("+ VALUE_SCALE_FACTOR = 1\n")
    for index, value in df.iterrows():
        stimulus_file.write("+ ( {}s, {}{}  )\n".format(index, value.values[0], unit))

3. Compare Measurements and Simulation ResultsΒΆ


3.1. Query and Plot Logged U_DIODEΒΆ

In [39]:
rb_query = RbCircuitQuery(circuit_type, circuit_name)
u_diode_rb_dfs = rb_query.query_voltage_cals('DIODE_RB', 'U_DIODE_RB', timestamp_fgc, ldb=ldb, duration=[(50, 's'), (350, 's')])
i_meas_pm_df = rb_query.query_pc_pm(timestamp_fgc, timestamp_fgc, signal_names=['I_MEAS'])[0]
Querying CALS for RB.A12 DIODE_RB signals U_DIODE_RB at 1544631694840000000 with duration [(50, 's'), (350, 's')].
Querying PM for RB.A12 FGC signals ['I_MEAS'] at 1544631694840000000.
In [40]:
rb_analysis = RbCircuitAnalysis(circuit_type, results_table, is_automatic=True)
rb_analysis.analyze_u_diode_nqps(circuit_name, timestamp_fgc, i_meas_pm_df, u_diode_rb_dfs, 'U_DIODE_RB', 'DIODE_RB')
DIODE_RB_U_DIODE_RB Analysis comment is: Automatic analysis, no expert feedback.

3.2. Read and Plot Simulated U_DIODEΒΆ

The U_DIODE signal was obtained by executing the model created with this notebook on a local machine with PSpice license.

In [47]:
i_meas_sim_df = pd.read_csv('output/I_MEAS.csv', index_col=0)
u_diode_dfs = pd.read_csv('output/U_DIODE.csv', index_col=0)
i_meas_sim_df.index -= t_fpa
u_diode_dfs.index -= t_fpa
In [57]:
ax = i_meas_sim_df.plot(figsize=(15, 7.5), grid=True, legend=False)
ax.set_ylabel('I_MEAS, [A]', fontsize=15, color='C0')

ax2 = ax.twinx()
u_diode_dfs.plot(ax=ax2, legend=False)
ax2.set_ylabel('U_DIODE, [V]', fontsize=15)
ax.set_xlabel('time, [s]', fontsize=15)
ax2.set_xlim(-5, 150)
(-5, 150)

4. ConclusionΒΆ

In this notebook, we demonstrated a workflow integrating STEAM and Signal Monitoring Projects in order to create a ready-to-use network model representing an FPA event with quenching magnets for RB.A12 circuit. The workflow relies on existing libraries and does not require developing additional code (except for the helper function generating trapezoidal profiles). The workflow facilitates the model creation process based on timing and signals logged in the respective databases (PM and NXCALS). A notebook is a suitable tool for that as it enables re-use of the network model generation API (STEAM-SING) in Java with python libraries of the Signal Monitoring Project. The notebook becomes a single source of truth with all pieces of information needed to document and event and model creation process. Furthermore, the notebook can be easily extended to account for additional phenomena such as shorts to ground, fuse blow-up, etc.

The behaviour of the quenching magnets can be further improved. In particular, the decrease of the opening diode voltage due to its temperature increase is no accounted for. The rise of resistance is represented by a trivial linear increase. The magnet growth of resistance can be modelled more accurately by incorporating a magnet model. This can be achieved with field/circuit coupling of the network model with magnet model (in LEDET or COMSOL). By the same token one can create a circuit model ready-to-use for co-simulation; in this scenario instead of creating library elements of quenching magnets the workflow should create equivalent magnet models on the circuit side (also referred to as a preconditioner model).

The same workflows can be prepared for remaining superconducting circuits in the LHC, i.e., RQ, IPQ, IPD, 600A.